Hair Loss vs Hair Shedding

Unveiling Hair Loss vs Hair Shedding: The Ultimate Guide

Hair Loss vs Hair Shedding - Know the Difference

A daily shedding of hair is completely normal; on average, we tend to lose 50 to 100 hair every day. However, when you notice too much hair on your comb, on your pillow, or in the drain, you need to sit up and take action.

During the Shedding or the Exogen phase, the hair sheds from the scalp normally and the process is also helped along by shampooing, combing and brushing. Losing 50 to 100 hair per day during the exogen phase is completely normal. The exogen phase in a normal hair cycle lasts for approximately 2 to 5 months.

On the other hand, if there’s a hair fall of more than 100 hairs per day, there will be excessive shedding. However, the body will readjust and the excessive shedding will halt. Within a time span of 6 to 9 months, your hair will regain its normal fullness. Contrariwise, if the stressor stays with you, hair shedding prolongs till the stressor is eliminated. When you don’t eliminate the stress, you will have long-term excessive hair shedding.

The very first step for you is to ascertain the difference between hair loss and hair shedding understand what you are suffering from and fix it.

Understanding Hair Loss and Hair Shedding

There’s a big difference between hair loss and hair shedding. Hair shedding is a normal phenomenon; whilst hair loss is related to a disorder or disharmony within the body.

Definitions and Differences between Hair Loss and Hair Shedding:

Our hair sheds as a routine part of the natural cycle of hair growth. You lose about 50 to 100 hair per day. While shedding 100 hair per day may shock you and make you anxious, remember that we have around 100,000 hair follicles in our scalp.

Hair shedding is part of the Exogen (shedding) phase of the hair growth cycle. The Exogen stage comes after the Telogen (resting) stage. The Exogen is the shortest stage of the hair growth cycle, lasting a couple of days only. Hair shedding is perfectly normal; unless disproportionate.

Hair loss, on the other hand, is an anxiety-causing experience. When your hair falls out from the root, it’s called hair loss. Hair loss is triggered by internal factors, like a dietary deficiency, stress, genetic predisposition, malfunctioning immune system, oscillations in the hormone profile or an inflammation in the body; or external factors, such as chemical-loaded hair care products or tight hairstyles.

To put it in a nutshell, hair loss occurs when your hair stops growing altogether and the existing hair falls out. If you do not treat the causative factor, your hair won’t start growing again.

Hair shedding on the other hand is when the hair continues to grow, but more than usual hair falls out every day. The condition is temporary and tends to stop on its own.

Common misconceptions about Hair Loss and Hair Shedding:

It is rather difficult to differentiate between hair shedding and hair loss. A trichologist can distinguish between the two, well.


If you are worried about the amount of hair you are losing, you must discuss it with your doctor. Your trichologist will ascertain the cause, carry out investigations and chalk out a treatment plan.

Misconception - Hair loss Is permanent

Male and female pattern hair loss is a genetic condition which is irreversible. However, hair loss caused by hormone changes, dietary deficiencies or disorders can be handled well and the hair loss reversed. Hair loss caused by other parameters, other than pattern hair loss is always temporary and can be rectified.

Misconception – People 45 years and above suffer from hair loss

Hair loss can occur at any age, depending on the causative factor. If there’s a family history of hair loss, balding will become evident when you are in your twenties.

Misconception - Shampooing daily can cause hair loss

How often you shampoo your scalp and hair does not affect your hair growth or hair loss.

Washing your hair and scalp everyday keeps the hair and scalp clean. Clean hair is happy and healthy hair! It’s normal to lose some hair when shampooing.

Hair falls out and hair regenerates itself by growing again. This is a normal hair cycle. It’s only that you tend to notice that your hair is falling out while you are in the shower; this hair would have fallen out anyway; it isn’t related to shampooing.

Coping with Hair Shedding:

By and large, people observe excessive hair shedding a couple of months after the stressful event. Nevertheless, hair shedding is normal and temporary and will stop eventually. Once your body readjusts, the undue shedding of hair will stop. Within about 9 months, your hair will regain its healthy fullness.

Then again, if you have hair loss, your hair will not grow until the cause is identified and managed.

Strategies that Will Boost Hair Growth:

Excessive shedding more often than not, takes care of itself within a month or two, once the stressor leaves and the hair will bounce back in about 9 months.

Hair loss, contrariwise, needs attention. It will not go away on its own – you need to treat the underlying condition/disorder that is causing the hair loss.

There are certain standard treatments you could try if you have been grappling with stubborn hair loss. Discussing with a doctor will yield great results.

Self-Care Hacks to Manage Hair Fall

These hair care hacks will help keep hair loss to a minimum –


Losing 50 to 100 hair a day is hair shedding which is part of the normal hair cycle. If you are losing slightly more hair than this every day, you have excessive hair shedding. If hair falls out and doesn’t grow back, it is hair loss.

Hair shedding is a part of the normal hair cycle. If you see 50 to 100 hair in your comb or in the drain, you don’t need to panic. On the other hand, when you see profuse hair fall for a long drawn-out period of time, you need to correct the problem. Furthermore, if you see large chunks of hair falling out and bald patches, it is prudent to consult a trichologist immediately.

Chiefly, an insufficiency of riboflavin, folate, biotin and vitamin B12 is associated with excessive hair shedding.

The hair follicles exist in 4 phases – the anagen or the growth phase which lasts for 3 years. The anagen is followed by the catagen, which is a short shrivelling phase. This is then followed by the telogen stage which is the resting phase of 3 months. Teleogen is followed by the Exogen or the shedding phase which lasts for a time interval of 2 to 5 months.

Hair grows at a rate of 0.35 mm/day, which is about 0.5 inches/month or 6 inches /year. By and large, all of us have 80,000 to 120,000 terminal hairs on the scalp.

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