1000 grafts hair transplant cost in India

How Much Does Hair Transplant Cost for 1000 Grafts in India? A Comprehensive Guide

How Much Does Hair Transplant Cost for 1000 Grafts in India? A Comprehensive Guide

Deliberating whether or not to have a hair transplant surgery is a big decision. It is imperative that you thoroughly research the procedure, taking in to account its advantages, disadvantages, risks, pitfalls and costs. 


Consult with your trichologist to tackle all your worries and concerns and be sure to look in to his expertise, experience, and the number of transplants that he has conducted. You must also review patient testimonials to assess their satisfaction as well as results of the surgery. Confer with your doctor and he will give you a customised fee structure for the hair transplant cost for 1000 grafts.

Table of Contents

Price Breakdown: What Determines the Cost of a Hair Transplant Procedure?

Hair transplants have become increasingly popular in India, with a big section of the population choosing to have the procedure. Statistics show that there’s been a massive rise in the number of people who are opting for hair restoration surgery. 


There are various hair transplant procedures that are available at competitive and cost effective rates. The hair transplant cost for 1000 grafts varies widely based on a host of factors.


Statistically, only a small percentage of surgeons offer top-tier, avant-garde hair transplant surgeries using ultra-modern technology. This is a crucial determinant when computing hair transplant costs.


Alongside, evaluations for future hair loss and the optimal use of donor hair impact need to be done as well to understand the exact costs. Typically, you should expect to spend between Rs 30,000 and Rs 300,000, depending upon particular factors related to your case.

Cost, Value, and Long-Term Considerations

Let us understand how the cost for a Hair Transplant surgery is computed. The fee structure for a hair transplant surgery depends upon a myriad of factors; let’s explore them in detail.

Factors That Affect the Cost of a Hair Transplant

Here are the factors that influence the cost of a hair transplant surgery, you ought to be aware of them. Discuss these with your trichologist to get a clear understanding of the expected costs for your procedure.

The Doctor and his Expertise and Experience will Determine the Fee Structure

The primary factor that has a huge bearing on the cost of your hair transplant is the doctor who will be performing the procedure. His skill, experience, and reputation play crucial roles in determining the fees for the procedure. A more experienced and renowned surgeon with a large number of successful cases under his belt will charge a higher fee.

The Team that Conducts the Procedure

You need to understand the level of involvement from the doctor throughout the process. Establish whether the procedure will be conducted only by the doctor or if his team is going to be involved too. 


Look in to the experience, skill, technical know-how and qualifications of the doctor’s crew. A doctor having an MBBS degree will charge lesser than a one with additional specialized qualifications or a dermatologist.

At certain clinics, technicians perform a large chunk of the work, whilst at others, the surgeon oversees the whole procedure himself. The knowledge and know-how of both the surgeon as well as his auxiliary staff play a very vital role in establishing your total cost.

The Clinic Set-up decides the Costing

The clinic that you select will affect the cost of the procedure. If you select a small local clinic, it will be more affordable as compared to a state-of-the-art ultra modern facility. Accredited hospitals with avant garde technology and premium amenities tend to be expensive.

The Economics of Hair Transplant Surgery with respect to the Type of Surgery

The choice of the hair transplant technique that you need significantly impacts the cost of your procedure. Your surgeon will assess which technique will be the best fit for you – FUT, FUE, advanced FUE, DHI, or Sapphire. 


FUT or Follicular Unit Transplant involves excising a strip of the scalp, and dividing it in to smaller portions, and then transplanting these small sections in to the bald patch.


FUE, or Follicular Unit Excision, involves excising individual hair follicles and transplanting them into the bald area. 

DHI, or Direct Hair Injection, directly implants the hair follicles into the bald area using a specialized device. This ensures that each hair follicle has a precise angle, depth, and direction.


Sapphire FUE is done using sapphire blades for the extraction and implantation of hair follicles, giving denser and natural looking results. Each technique has its own set of advantages and disadvantages and the fee structure is different too. Confer with your trichologist to figure out which approach is best suited to your needs.

Cost of Hair Restoration Based On the Degree of Hair Loss

The fee structure for a hair transplant is largely determined by the degree of hair loss and the number of grafts that you will need. When the degree of hair loss is high, and more area needs to be covered, the number of grafts needed will increase proportionately, and this leads to higher costs. For example, a person who needs 5,000 grafts will end up paying a significantly higher amount compared to one needing only 1,000 grafts. Hair transplant costs for 1000 grafts will be computed, and your doctor will provide you with the expenses that you are likely to incur.

The Number of Sessions Needed?

The cost of the hair transplant surgery is greatly influenced by the number of sessions that you will need. Each session lasts for 6 to 8 hours and implants approximately 2,000 to 3,000 grafts. 


Availability of Donor Hair

How much donor hair is available is a big deciding element when it comes to costs. If you do not have an adequate number of hair follicles at the back of your scalp, your doctor will explore other donor sites – usually the beard area. This translates into bigger expenses. 

Planning Your Hair Transplant: A Guide to Creating a Budget

Hair loss and balding can be extremely distressing, and you most definitely will want a solution that delivers great results. Cutting edge and advanced hair transplant techniques promise a lasting solution and assure you a full head of hair. 


Primarily, the cost of the hair transplant is based on the number of grafts that you require. When the number of grafts required is 1000, you should expect to spend between 30000 to 100000 for the procedure. Your doctor will give you the exact amount.


Here’s how much you are likely to pay for a hair transplant based on the technique used – 

  • FUT – 30000 to 120000
  • FUE – 40000 to 150000
  • DHI – 200000 to 300000
  • Sapphire – 80000 to 250000

Tips and Strategies for Budgeting

In the last 10 years, hair transplants have become very popular, with a lot of people now opting for the procedure. However, the cost of the procedure is rather high, so it is very important to carefully plan and budget for the surgery.

What Will the Cost Cover?

The hair transplant package will include –


  • Consultations with your doctor.
  • The actual hair transplant surgery.
  • Medications are prescribed before, during, and after the surgery.
  • Pre-operative, operative, and post-operative care and support.
  • Post-surgery follow-up appointments.

Discuss with your doctor in order to understand what your package will include.

Health Insurance and Hair Transplant Surgery

A hair transplant is a cosmetic procedure and is not covered by insurance. Healthcare providers do not offer coverage for hair transplant surgeries.

Affordable Hair Transplants: Financing Options to Consider

It is important for you to plan your hair transplant budget and make smart strategies to pay for your procedure. 


Here are a few options that you can explore – 

  • Clinic Financing Plans – Some hair transplant clinics offer in-house financing, or they may collaborate with particular financing companies to provide you with EMIs.
  • Credit Card Payments – Some  doctors accept credit card payments, thus helping you split the cost into monthly instalments, making it a lot more manageable.
  • Personal Loans – You could also get a personal loan from a bank or financial institute, enabling monthly payments over a few years for easy budgeting.
  • Healthcare Financing Companies – there are specific financing companies that proffer custom made plans for hair transplants; these have low interest rates as well as flexible repayment terms.

Creating a Strategic Plan for Your Hair Transplant

Assess, compare and calculate the interest rates and terms and conditions across the options that you have. Understand the fee structure and all the potential expenses that are linked to the procedure. You also need to understand your eligibility for your financing options and loans. EMI plans to distribute the cost over several months or years, thus making it completely manageable.


 Confer with your trichologist as well as financial advisor to understand what’s best for you.


Your primary focus needs to be choosing the best surgeon available. Select a doctor has an abundance of skill and experience and who has conducted thousands of hair restoration surgeries.  


Then, you need to understand the fee structure and budget for your surgery. Scan various financing options that are available to accommodate your needs and requirements. 


Consult with your doctor to ensure that you receive ultra modern hair transplant techniques and state-of-the-art technology, that is bespoke and customized.

Each hair transplant case is different from the other and the number of grafts that you need varies based upon the degree of balding, the intensity of hair loss, and your individual hair goals.


By and large, people need between 1,000 and 1,500 grafts, with each graft comprising of 1 to 2 hair follicles. 


Talk to your trichologist and design your hair transplant plan. Surgeons usually recommend beginning with large grafts and following that up with small ones to augment hair density.

The following factors play key roles in determining how much your hair transplant is going to cost.

  • The location of the clinic
  • The doctor’s experience and expertise 
  • The choice of hair transplant surgery 
  • The cost per graft
  • The number of grafts required

Hair transplants have gained humongous popularity in the last 2 decades due to rapid and trail blazing technological advancements, ultra modern techniques, and an increased awareness among people who are battling hair loss.


These are some factors which have contributed to the popularity of hair transplants –


  • Successful and Subtle Results: the ultra modern hair transplant techniques deliver natural looking, seamless results which are decidely effective in restoring hair volume and giving you a head full of hair.
  • Technological Advancements: rapid strides in technology and avant garde innovations in surgical tools, robotic assistance, and a greater understanding of hair follicle biology – all have augmented  accuracy and success rates of hair transplants, thereby increasing their popularity.
  • Bollywood Endorsements: most if the actors and celebs have taken to openly discussing their battle with hair loss and their hair restoration journey; and this has appreciably decreased the stigma that used to be associated with the procedure and has encouraged others to consider opting for it too.
  • Aging Population: With age, people see hair thinning, hair loss, receding hairline, and balding, and this drives the demand for effective solutions such as hair transplants.
  • Better Accessibility: now, trichologists and hair transplant clinics are a lot more accessible than they used to be, making it so much more convenient for people to get a hair transplant.
  • Psychological Benefits: hair loss and balding wrecks havoc on your mental and emotional health. Getting your hair restored boosts self-confidence and improves the quality of life for those who’ve been grappling with hair loss.


All these elements have greatly contributed to making the hair transplant procedure well-accepted and well-liked.

The number of grafts that you will require for a hair transplant significantly affects the cost of your surgery. Here’s a screenshot of how grafts and costs match up – 


A graft is a group of hair follicles characteristically compromising of 1 to 4 hairs. The grafts are extracted from the donor site at the back or sides of the head and are transplanted to the recipient site where there is balding. 


The hair transplant fee package is usually based on per graft. The cost per graft varies from clinic to clinic depending on factors such as – the surgeon’s know-how and experience, the clinic’s location, and the surgical technique used 


For you to understand and calculate the total cost of your procedure, you need to multiply the number of grafts required by the cost per graft. You also need to understand what factors influence the graft count. The number of grafts that you will require depends on the degree of hair loss and the volume and density that you desire. 


A discussion with the trichologist specialist will help establish the number of grafts you will need. 


Also, be aware that there could be other potential costs that come in to play. These are the consultation fee, post-operative care, medicines and any unforeseen complication that may develop. It is extremely crucial that you consult a licensed trichologist so that you know the degree of balding and make an accurate estimation of the cost tailored to your specific needs. 

The number of grafts you need is directly related to the hair loss pattern. You need to understand the Norwood stages of hair loss and balding and how many grafts each stage will need to give you a natural look!


The Norwood scale is used by surgeons to map out your hair loss and to determine how many grafts you will need. 


The Norwood scale is used for male pattern baldness. It explicitly describes the stages of male balding patterns and the best treatment options. On the Norwood scale, there are 7 stages of male pattern balding.


Stage 1 – stage 1 is seen as a normal head of hair, with zero hair loss. There’s an age appropriate hairline, and Norwood stage 1 is not considered balding.

Stage 2 – is seen as the start of a receding hairline, and the ‘widow’s peak’ becomes apparent on the forehead. According to Norwood, Stage 2 is still not considered balding.

Stage 3 – you will see a significant decline in hair density around the temples and forehead, and your hairline will have receded a great deal and will start to resemble an M, U, or V. Balding may also be seen at the crown.

Stage 4 – balding is typically very evident and noticeable on the crown. There will be considerable hair loss above the temples and the front portion. A bridge of hair will  divide the crown from the top of the head.

Stage 5 – Norwood Stage 5 is extremely apparent hair loss, with balding occurring in the front and in the crown. The bridge of hair that divides the crown from the top of the head starts to split, and the bald spots fuse. 

Stage 6 – the bridge has disappeared completely, and you are left with one large bald spot. Some hair will still remain around the sides of the head. Not much donor hair is left. 

Stage 7 –the 7th stage is characterized by the most significant hair loss. Hair remains only along the base of the head and it resembles a horseshoe. There still will be some donor hair for the surgery; however, you and your doctor will have to decide which areas to focus on, because a lot of area needs to be covered.

Stage 1 on the Norwood scale is seen as minimal signs of male pattern balding and most of the original shape of the hairline is still intact.


At the very outset, when you notice hair thinning and hair loss and are concerned about it, topical and/or oral medications will be started, and your doctor will suggest a hair transplant. Approximately 1000 grafts will be implanted to give you good hair density.


At stage 2 on the Norwood scale, the first clear signs of male pattern balding become evident, and the hairline recedes slightly.


At this stage,1000 to 1500 hair grafts need to be transplanted so as to get the desired hairline. 

The total cost of a hair transplant is heavily influenced by the number of grafts that you will require. Each graft comprises 1 to 4 hair follicles. The fee is set per graft, and this number tends to vary based on your surgeon’s skill, experience, and expertise, the location of his clinic, and the technique employed. To calculate how much you will spend for your hair transplant, you need to multiply the number of grafts needed by the cost per graft. The degree of hair loss and the desired volume will decide how many grafts you need. 


Your doctor will evaluate your hair loss and establish the exact number of grafts necessary. He will also take in to account factors such as – doctor’s consultation fees, medicines, post-operative care, and likelihood of complications. He will give you a precise estimate of  how much you will end up spending tailored to your situation and needs.

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