hair plantation cost in mumbai

Understanding Hair Plantation Cost in Mumbai: What to Expect and How to Budget

Understanding Hair Plantation Cost in Mumbai:

Baldness is usually frustrating for individuals, thus the search for remedial processes like hair transplants. Many clinics in Mumbai, an emerging urban city in India, offer this service.


This article aims to inform the reader about the cost of hair plantation in Mumbai and some of the approximate charges associated with the treatment process.


This widely accepted guide includes the cost and all possible factors affecting it, patient feedback, advantages and disadvantages, and more.

Evaluating Cost-Benefit Ratio Hair Plantation Cost in Mumbai:

Given the permanency of the outcomes and the possible impact on one’s confidence, hair transplantation is the best investment someone could make.

Whether it is the first time you will be enlisting yourself in an online university or you are already prepared for it, this guide will contain all the details you need to know to decide on your choice.

Thus, these various aspects of hair plantation costs help you protect yourself and make a choice because this guide covers everything, including the influence of factors, patient feedback, and budgeting tips for hair restoration in Mumbai.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. What is a Hair Plantation?
  3. Hair Plantation Cost in Mumbai
  4. Factors Influencing the Cost
  5. Typical Hair Plantation Cost in Mumbai
  6. Budgeting for Hair Plantation in Mumbai
  7. Benefits of Hair Plantation
  8. Risks and Side Effects
  9. People Also Ask: Hair Plantation in Mumbai


Hair transplants have now been accepted as the best solution, especially for people fond of hair loss. Over time, this procedure has become more popular, and with technological improvements, it has become more efficient in the medical field.


Any person planning the treatment must know how much a hair plantation cost in Mumbai. This article will break down the cost implications to help you decide which tablet to buy.

What is a Hair Plantation?

Hair plantation or hair transplantation is the process in which tiny grafts containing hair follicles are taken from one part or area of the body, known as the donor site, and placed in the balding or thinning area, known as the recipient site.


The two significant approaches widely utilized are Strip Harvesting or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and CPA or Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). How liposuction is performed has advantages and disadvantages and depends on the individual’s needs and the surgeon’s advice.

Hair Plantation Cost in Mumbai:

The price of hair plantation treatment in Mumbai depends upon various factors, as described below. The duration of each session varies depending on the case and the type of treatment required; it may vary from INR 30,000 to INR 1,50,000. Various factors determining the expense are the number of transplants needed to achieve the desired density, the clinic, the surgeon’s competence, etc.

Factors Influencing the Cost of Hair Plantation in Mumbai:

In this context, some of the essential aspects of the cost attached to hair plantation in Mumbai are enumerated below. These include:

Hair Plantation Technique:

It differs according to the chosen hair plantation technique, such as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT). FUE costs relatively more than FUT, and in FUE, hair follicles are extracted one by one, while in FUT, a strip of scalp is used.

Surgeon's Expertise and Reputation:

It is evident that it costs differently depending on the hair transplant surgeon's prior experience and qualifications. He might also ask for high charges compared to average or inexperienced surgeons, but again, you get the best services done by the best in the market.

Facility and Location:

The expense of hair plantation may also depend on the medical centre from which a patient is receiving the procedure and its location in Mumbai. Clinics located in strategic places or even hospitals considered better may cost more than those in common areas.

Number of Grafts Required:

Every individual’s hair loss situation is different, and the process of transplanting involves several hair grafts required to enable the person to have the kind of hair he wants.

This determines the cost. Hair that has been poorly or thoroughly damaged and people who have highly extensive hair problems will require many grafts; they will, therefore, inevitably incur more cost.

Preoperative and Postoperative Care:

Such costs may include fees for the preoperative consultations, medical tests, and follow-up services, including medications for dressing the area after hair plantation in Mumbai.

Typical Hair Plantation Cost in Mumbai:

Considering the above factors, the conventional cost of hair plantation in Mumbai is expected to be around ₹50,000 to ₹3,50,000 for a single session. However, this should be taken as a general estimate, as the cost may vary based on the necessities of the case and the skill of the surgeon.


For instance, hair plantation procedures under the FUE technique could range between ₹2,50,000 and above per session, depending on the operational surgeon and the clinic’s facilities. On the other hand, a relatively simple FUT operation done by a well-experienced doctor in a cheaper facility lies between ₹ 1,80,000 and ₹ 2,10,000 per session.


Of course, it should also be noted that some clinics or surgeons may provide a package cost for the hair plantation, where the price will be divided, or offer a special offer for a combination of services. They may also offer special or flexible payment for the surgery, where the balance of the money may be paid in instalments or by other means.

Budgeting for Hair Plantation Cost in Mumbai:

Preliminary hair plantation in Mumbai can be expensive; therefore, it is wise to make a proper budget plan. Here are some tips to help you manage the costs effectively: Here are some tips to help you manage the costs effectively:

Research and Compare:

Spend considerable time studying various hair transplantation centres and doctors in Mumbai, checking their charges, survival rates, and patient testimonials. This can assist you in finding a commendable middle ground between quality and price.

Consider Insurance Coverage:

You should inquire with your insurance company about possibly offering you some form of coverage or reimbursement for hair restoration. Depending on the policy terms, some insurance policies may partially provide coverage for these expenses.

Explore Financing Options:

Some clinics or any other separate financial organization propose such offers as EMI plans or medical loans, whereby half of the price of a hair plantation can be paid at different intervals, making the whole amount relatively affordable.

Budget for Additional Expenses:

One must remember to factor in the expenses for hair plantation not only with the services they undertake but also for all related costs. Other aspects that should be factored in are the cost of administering pre- and post-surgery medications, follow-up appointments, and any extra operations that the patient may require.

Consider Long-Term Cost:

However, those who have undergone hair plantation treatment still complain that the cost they incurred in having their hair planted is high, and they may be correct, but the way I see it, it is even better to look at the other end of the picture, which is in the long run, one may end up spending a lot of money on taking care of their natural hair.

Hair restoration aims to increase an individual's self-confidence and self-esteem. If the process is successful, it can significantly decrease the probability of having to pay for hair treatments or other types of cosmetology procedures in the future.

Benefits of Hair Plantation:

Permanent Solution:

Hair transplantation is the most permanent hair restoration procedure, as opposed to other processes like drug intake or lotion application.

Natural Results:

This hasty technique does not make the transplanted hair stand out from existing hair but makes it natural.

Low Maintenance:

Most harvested hair will, once it grows, not need any specific regimen other than standard hair care practices to be observed.

Improved Self-Confidence:

Although hair is a part of the body, having hair mainly on the head can greatly increase self-esteem and confidence.

Risks and Side Effects:

Although hair transplantation is generally safe, it does come with some risks and potential side effects: Although hair transplantation is usually safe, it does come with some risks and potential side effects:


The donor and recipient site may develop a disease, but the risk is comparatively meagre.


FUT can lead to a linear scar, while FUE might cause small, almost imperceptible circular scars.


Oedema of the scalp, forehead, and eyes may occur; however, it is mild and resolves in 2-5 days.

Temporary Hair Loss:

Hair reduction is caused by a process called shock loss; however, the hair grows back again.

Pain and Discomfort:

Minimal pain and discomfort may occur after the surgery, but medicine can address this.

Frequently Asked Questions: Hair Plantation cost in Mumbai

Hair plantation surgery can take a few hours to several hours, depending on the type of surgery and the number of grafts transplanted. Typically, FUE is estimated to take 4-8 hours, while FUT may take 6-12 hours, though these durations may differ depending on the number of grafts.
The price differences between clinics and hospitals, specifically for hair plantations in Mumbai, can be determined. The independent clinic often has a lower tariff, while the sophisticated hospitals, popular among high-profile surgeons, charge a higher price.
Again, the number of sessions in a hair plantation in Mumbai can also differ, depending on the existing pattern of hair loss and the density level that the person wants to optimize. Most patients need 1-3 sessions for the appropriate result.
It takes 7-14 days to recover after a hair plantation procedure in Mumbai. It is crucial to point out that during this period, the patient may observe certain manifestations of inflammation, such as some degree of edema, erythema, and crust formations; after the transplantation, the transplanted hair starts to grow.
New Roots Hair Transplant Clinic or other independent financial organizations in Mumbai provide EMI plans or medical loans to cover hair plantation costs.

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