Nourish Hair - Science for Healthy Follicles

Nutrition and Hair Health – Scientific Insights For Strong Hair

Understanding Hair Health - The Role of Nutrition:

Whatever may be your hair goals – strength, length, shine, thickness, more volume, less frizz – your diet can make a very huge difference. The remarkable power of certain foods is endless and it will help you attain the hair of your dreams! To understand what foods are best for healthy hair, you need to know which nutrients are vital for the hair growth process.

Understanding the Link Between Hair Health and Nutrition:

What you eat has an unbelievable influence on the health of your hair. Here’s a complete guide to the various vital nutrients that impact the health and appearance of your hair, and what specific foods you have to eat to get them! Here’s to eating your way to shinier hair!

How Good Nutrition Impacts Hair Health:

Healthy hair needs more than just great hair care products. Having beautiful hair starts with what you feed your body. Your diet has a huge bearing on how your hair looks. Dietary deficiencies first become apparent through hair health and are manifested as hair thinning, hair loss and stunted hair growth. Contrarily, if you’ve been eating all the right foods and your general health is great, your hair will look amazing!

Common Nutritional Deficiency and Hair Loss:

More often than not, nutritional deficiencies are the chief cause of hair loss. If you’ve been grappling with thinning of hair, excessive hair shedding and hair loss, nutrient deficiency is definitely the wrongdoer, more so if you’ve ruled out genetic causes and hormonal imbalances.

These 5 nutrient insufficiencies are the most common cause of unhealthy hair. Low levels of iron, vitamin D, vitamin A, vitamin E and zinc impact the health of your hair and by and large these 5 are the culprits.

When you replenish your diet with these nutrients, it quickly puts a stop to hair loss and boosts hair regrowth. Once the deficiency gets corrected, cell growth is stimulated, production of new hair follicles is supported and hair shedding stops.

Essential Vitamins for Healthy Hair Follicles:

Genetics, environmental factors and age influence the health of our hair; however, these are not within our control. On the other hand, our diet and what we eat, which is the bedrock for healthy hair, is completely and absolutely under our control. A well-balanced ‘rainbow’ diet packed with all the vital vitamins is critical to promote good hair growth and give you beautiful, luxuriant hair.

Vitamin A and Hair Health:

Vitamin A is in charge of cell multiplication which translates into hair growth, thus making your hair thick and long. Vitamin A also helps manufacture adequate amounts of sebum, which keeps your scalp healthy and moisturised, as well as nourishes your hair, making it glossy. Good sources of the vitamin are – carrots, sweet potatoes, and spinach.

Role of B Vitamins in Hair Growth:

The B vitamins are 8 water-soluble vitamins that are responsible for the development and metabolism of the hair cells. The B complex supports the hair root, increases the number of RBCs in the hair follicle and encourages good hair growth.

How Biotin Boosts Hair Health:

Biotin has become the gold standard for fabulous hair! It is one of the B vitamins and has gained extraordinary acclaim! It helps retain and improve the structure of keratin in your hair. It boosts scalp health as well as hair volume and gives your hair loads of shine! Incorporate plenty of eggs, almonds, and avocados into your daily menu; they’re crammed with biotin.

The Importance of Vitamin C for Hair Growth:

Vitamin C is the building block for collagen, which keeps the hair follicles healthy and prevents split ends. Excellent sources include limes, lemons, bell peppers, oranges, berries and tomatoes.

Vitamin D and Hair Health:

Vitamin D binds to vitamin D receptors in the hair follicles and regulates the hair growth cycle. Thus, it monitors the hair in the different phases of the cycle and ensures it stays longer in the anagen phase, i.e. the growth phase. Cod liver oil, fish and white mushrooms have plenty of vitamin D.

Vitamin E in Maintaining Hair Health:

Vitamin E plays a pivotal role in keeping your scalp healthy. It is a potent antioxidant that helps decrease and fight oxidative stress caused by free radicals which wreck the hair follicle. Sunflower seeds, almonds, peanuts, wheat germ oil and avocado are jam-packed with vitamin E, load up on these.

Understanding the Role of Protein in Hair Health:

The hair is composed of keratin, a protein. If your diet does not provide you with adequate amounts of protein, then the deficiency will slow down the growth of the hair, make the hair weak and brittle and trigger hair loss. Protein-packed foods are –  chicken, fish, eggs, lentils, legumes, paneer, and tofu. Ensure that protein-rich foods are the mainstay of your diet.

The Importance of Omega 3 Fatty Acids for Hair Follicles:

Omega 3 fatty acids are undoubtedly wonder workers when it comes to your hair! They are strongly anti-inflammatory, boost blood circulation and help protect the scalp – consequently encouraging good hair growth. Omega 3 is a DHT blocker and thus battles and prevents hair loss. Omega 3 is your go-to when you have thin, scanty hair. They also give your hair the glossy sheen that you crave! Amp up on fatty fish, walnuts and flaxseeds; these are chockfull of omega 3.

Minerals That Promote Healthy Hair Follicles:

Eating a diet that is packed with all the essential minerals nourishes your hair from the inside out. Minerals ensure that the hair cells function as they should, thus maintaining a normal hair growth cycle.

The Role of Zinc in Hair Growth and Health:

Zinc restores rejuvenates and promotes hair growth by pepping up your immune mechanism. The mineral is a commanding anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant that helps maintain a healthy hair cycle and thus augments hair growth. Oysters, crabs, and clams are excellent sources of zinc and guarantee you wonderful hair.

Selenium and Hair Health:

Although a miracle worker, selenium is an unsung hero when it comes to hair care! Selenium is a potent antioxidant that boosts blood circulation, oxygenation and nutrient supply in your scalp, which stimulates hair growth. Selenium annihilates the free radicals in our body and thereby prevents the breakdown of melanin in the cortex of the hair and consequently preserves the colour and integrity of the hair. Meat, chicken, fish, eggs, beans and nuts provide good amounts of the mineral.

Understanding The Importance of Iron for Healthy Hair:

Iron is pivotal for the synthesis of RBCs, which carry oxygen and vital nutrients to your scalp and follicles, thus triggering good hair growth. Adequate amounts of iron make your hair thick and strong and enhance hair vitality. Iron insufficiency causes hair loss and balding. Include a great deal of leafy greens, lentils, legumes, eggs and chicken in your everyday menu.

Magnesium for Hair Health:

The hair shaft is made up of keratin which is responsible for hair health and shine. The chief component of keratin is cysteine, and the rate of hair growth and hair thickness depend on cysteine. Magnesium monitors cysteine synthesis and keeps your hair healthy and happy! A deficiency of the mineral will result in dull, lifeless hair and hair loss. Almonds, cashews, peanuts, whole wheat, spinach, and avocado proffer plenty of magnesium; eat up!

Calcium and healthy hair:

Calcium oversees the communication between the hair cells and controls hair growth. Dairy, fish, sesame seeds, apricots and tofu are amazing dietary sources.

Incorporating Essential Nutrients into Your Diet:

Vibrant and healthy hair mirrors your overall health and it means that your body is well nourished with the right vitamins and minerals. It is important that you re-establish your relationship with food and nourish your health. When your daily menu comprises nutrient-dense foods, you are assured long, luscious locks that you’ve dreamed of.

Supplementing Your Diet for Hair Health:

Dietary supplements are hugely beneficial; they help combat deficiencies in the diet and help bring your health back on track. Vitamin and mineral supplements replenish deficiencies, thwart inflammation, annihilate oxidative stress, and prevent hormonal oscillations. When it comes to managing the nutritional needs for your hair, it is recommended that you choose food over supplements; given that nutrients in foods are quickly absorbed compared to the supplements. Then again, in case of severe deficiencies, supplements become indispensable in order to cover up the deficit. Supplements make it easier for you by giving you concentrated amounts of specific nutrients which is rather difficult to get from the diet. You should confer with your doctor before you embark upon any supplementation.

Why Choose Us?

With loads of experience in the hair regrowth and hair restoration industry, we assure you that our program yields brilliant results. Our hair care strategy is medically overseen, making sure investigations and health checks are done and we provide you with a treatment regimen that will be the best fit for you.


Unhealthy hair looks thin, dry, brittle and falls excessively. Hair growth will be stunted too. It’s time for you to evaluate your diet, change your hair care products and confer with a trichologist. Importantly, unhealthy hair is a huge indication of some underlying health condition.

If your hair loss is because of vitamin or mineral deficiencies, then supplementing your diet with the vitamin or mineral that is lacking in your body will put an end to the hair loss and the condition is reversible. Once the deficiency is corrected, hair regrowth occurs. It is vital for you to understand what is lacking in your diet and embark upon supplementation as well as include the right foods in to your daily diet.

The anagen is the growth phase in the hair cycle; if the anagen is short, your hair growth will be stunted. Chief causes for a short anagen phase are menopause, high levels of stress and a calorie-restricted diet.

Doctors recommend 600 mg per day. That will promise you thick, shiny hair and a healthy scalp.

Healthy levels of zinc in the body impede the synthesis of DHT (too much of which shrinks hair follicles and stunts hair growth). You could discuss with your trichologist and start a zinc supplement and amp up on foods that are packed with the mineral. Good sources of zinc include – cashews, legumes, pumpkin seeds, dairy and chickpeas.

DHT is responsible for miniaturisation of the hair follicles and hair loss. Certain foods are natural DHT blockers – foods rich in lycopene, zinc and lysine are powerful DHT blockers. Ensure that leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, green tea, beetroot, banana, and flax seeds are on your daily menu.

The hair follicles are in the scalp and they aren’t visible to you. Strong, long, bouncy hair indicates healthy hair follicles; whilst thinning of hair, greying, dry hair and scalp and hair loss signify your hair follicles are in good condition.

If you’ve been suffering from unhealthy, dry, brittle hair, stunted hair growth and hair loss, and your doctor has ruled out hormonal imbalances or any other medical condition, then in all likelihood you have a dietary deficiency. A doctor will be able to pinpoint what exactly is insufficient in your diet and is triggering the hair loss. Blood tests give an accurate picture of which vitamin or mineral your lacking and you can quickly fix it. Work with your trichologist to address the deficiencies; he will prescribe the necessary supplements. Make sure you plan regular investigations and check-ups to attain the best results.

Biotin shampoo adds volume and bounce to your hair, so those with limp hair benefit immensely from it. Clinical trials and research claim that biotin shampoo helps stimulate your scalp and encourage hair growth, marginally. Adding a biotin supplement or biotin-rich foods to your routine will yield better results though.

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