FUE & SMP Hair Restoration Insights - New Roots

Battling Baldness: An Insight into FUE and SMP Methods of Hair Restoration

Battling Baldness with Expert Insight on FUE and SMP Techniques

Understanding Hair Loss

Hair loss can be hugely disturbing and agonizing – whether it is hair thinning, a recession of the hairline, or bald patches on the scalp. A hair restoration procedure effectively deals with hair loss in a permanent way and helps you have a head full of hair and most importantly reinstates your lost confidence!


You need to confer with your trichologist and understand which hair restoration procedure would work best for you. Once you’ve decided that you need a hair restoration, it all comes down to scheduling the technique in accordance with your desires, hair goals, requirements, choices, and suitability.

The Science Behind Hair Loss

Hair loss occurs when the terminal hair on the scalp converts into vellus hair which eventually atrophy and dies. The vellus hair is very thin and it is sharply different from the thick, long terminal hair that grows on the scalp. Vellus hair is usually lighter and shorter than the terminal hair. This conversion occurs due to the effect of DHT on the hair follicles of the scalp, making them shrink and miniaturize.

In those who are prone to pattern hair loss, excessive activation of the androgen receptor shrivels up the follicles, and causes miniaturization which results in shorter, thinner hair; in the long run, you’re left with balding.

Alongside, hormones fluctuations, having a medical condition and aging have a part to play in the health of your hair as well.

What is FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction)?

FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction is a hair transplant surgery that is minimally invasive. Hair follicles usually from the back of the scalp are excised as individual follicles and planted in to the recipient area where the hair is thin or where there’s no hair at all.

The FUE Procedure

The FUE is conducted under local anesthesia, so there’s no pain and discomfort felt at all.

Individual hair follicles are extracted from the donor site using a punch. The follicles are then transplanted to the recipient area. It is an art to place the hair follicles in the perfect angle and in the right direction so as to achieve a natural and seamless appearance.

Pros and Cons of FUE

Pros for FUE

Cons of FUE

Ideal Candidates for FUE

An ideal candidate for FUE –

  • If there’s healthy hair growth at the back of the head, i.e. the donor area, then your perfect for FUE.
  • Being 25 years and above is important; given that, your hair loss pattern will have stabilized by this age.

What is SMP (Scalp Micro Pigmentation)?

Scalp micro pigmentation is a very minimally invasive procedure which creates an illusion of having a head full of hair! Very methodically, tiny pigment dots are introduced amongst your existing hair. These dots look like the hair follicles and thus give you a very realistic look!

The SMP Procedure

Scalp micro pigmentation is a painless procedure. Your doctor will use specialized equipment and avant garde techniques to insert pigments in to your scalp to create a natural look for you.

Your trichologist will use medical grade pigments which very strictly abide by the highest safety standards. The pigments are made from natural ingredients, and contain no heavy metals.

Pros and cons of MSP



Ideal Candidates for SMP

  • SMP is perfect if you have hair thinning and hair loss and don’t want to go in for a surgical procedure.
  • Scalp Micro Pigmentation is ideal for those who do not have hair at the back of the head, and thus they don’t have any donor hair and a hair transplant can not be carried out.
  • SMP is recommended to people suffering from alopecia, patterned baldness and those who have scalp scars; given that it mimics tiny hair.
  • Those recovering from chemotherapy consider SMP.
  • SMP is advised to people who keep their hair extremely short to help cover up the bald; scalp micro pigmentation gives a buzz cut look.

Comparative Analysis: FUE vs SMP

The FUE hair transplant and scalp micro pigmentation are common choices for those who want to deal with hair loss. Each has its own set of pros and cons. Understanding each procedure and discussing with your trichologist will help you make an informed decision.

Cost Comparison between FUE and SMP

An FUE is way more expensive than an SMP. An FUE will cost you in the range of Rs 50,000 to Rs 200,000, depending up on the degree of balding and the number of grafts that will be required. The doctor’s experience and his clinic set also influence the cost of the procedure.

The cost of a scalp micro pigmentation depends up on your trichologist, the number of sessions you need and the area that has to be covered; by and large 2 sessions are adequate. On an average, the procedure will cost you between Rs. 25,000 to Rs. 45,000.

Recovery and Expected Results

Your aftercare post the FUE hair transplant surgery is extremely crucial; the recovery period has a huge influence on the outcome of your surgery. It is vital that you follow all the prescribed post-surgery mandates.

  • The recovery phase lasts for about 15 to 20 days.
  • 3 months after the surgery, the transplanted grafts start sprouting new hair.
  • Your scalp will reach full hair growth 12 months after the procedure.

The SMP takes 7 to10 days to recover. For 2 to 3 days, the area appears red and inflamed. This resolves over the next 2 days, and your scalp will heal completely; and you have a beautiful buzz cut look!

Consultation with Professionals

Select wisely! Opting for the right clinic is the major milepost in your hair restoration journey! Your trichologist should have immense experience and should be offering you avant garde and innovative treatments. Discuss with your doctor to understand what procedure would be the best for you.


Your FUE team should use the best precision gadgets, innovative techniques and trail blazing technology. Your doctor should employ the highest medical standards and use highly safe medical procedures.


The right expert for SMP plays a very crucial role in the outcome of the procedure. Scalp Micro Pigmentation is an art and science and ought to be carried out by one who understands hair lines as well as shades.

Patients Experiences and Testimonials

People’s reviews and testimonials can be big deciding factors for the choices we make. A review can help you zero in on the best doctor. Patient reviews, testimonials and before and after pictures have all changed the way in which a patient chooses a doctor.


Scalp micro pigmentation is extremely safe. It is non invasive and no incisions are made. The chances that you will contract an infection are completely nil. The pigments are natural, they do not contain chemicals and they are medically approved.

Scalp micro pigmentation is avant garde! It is a non invasive technique to deal with hair thinning and hair loss and helps cover up the bald. Multiple tiny color dots that match the color of your hair are introduced in to the scalp to proffer you an appearance of a head full of hair. The treatment is tailor made to meet your specific needs.

SMP stays effective for about 12 to 15 months; thereafter it fades away very gradually. The pigments used are medical grade, long lasting, cosmetic pigments; nonetheless, after about a year, the dots start to fade. Whether or not your SMP lasts long depends largely on your trichologist, the quality of the pigments employed, your skin type and your exposure to the sun’s UV rays. If you have your procedure done by a skilled expert who uses excellent-quality pigments and if you adhere to all the aftercare guidelines and mandates your scalp micro pigmentation will last out. However, be that as it may, you will require to get the pigmentation refreshed every year.

SMP will take 2 to 3 sessions and each session needs approximately 1 to 4 hours. 1 week after the first session, the second session is conducted, and the third session is done one month after the second.

  • Your scalp will be bandaged for about 2 days to ensure that the incisions stay perfectly clean.
  • You must wear a protective cap. Your doctor will instruct you how long you need to wear the cap.
  • It is imperative that you adhere to your medication schedule prescribed by your doctor – oral as well as topical.
  • Follow all mandates outlined by your doctor.
  • Follow up consultations are mandatory.

If conducted by an experienced surgeon, the results of the FUE hair transplant will last you a life-time. However, you need to under that the transplanted hair will last forever, but the hair around the transplanted grafts will fall out eventually.

Here’s your FUE recovery timeline –


Day 1 to 5

For the first 14 days after you’ve had the surgery, your scalp will be extremely fragile and the grafts won’t have secured firmly yet. The slightest impact to your scalp during these 15 days will have a decidedly adverse effect on the outcome of your hair transplant procedure.
There will be soreness and swelling; ensure that you follow all your doctor’s mandates to the T.


Day 5 to 14

On day 5, you will be allowed to wash your hair gently, using only a doctor approved shampoo. After 15 days, the new grafts will have adapted well to the transplanted area and will have gotten firmly anchored.


15 days to 3 months

In about a month or two, the transplanted hair will fall out – this is absolutely normal, do t hit the panic button, the hair will start to grow back.


3 months

At 3 months, new hair starts to grow from the grafts, and your scalp will start filling up.


6 months

By 6 months, you will see obvious results of your FUE!


12 months

After a year, you will have a head full of hair! What’s more, your confidence and self esteem will be reinstated as well! Be sure to follow all instructions stated by your doctor so as to make sure that you continue to have healthy hair.

Hair transplant surgery has made very rapid progress and state of the art advances which proffer natural-looking results.


For an FUE, your doctor will transplant 1 to 2 healthy follicles at a time; this ensures that you do not have an unnatural, weird appearance that people in the 80s had to put up with!


There have also been major improvements in hairline designing and strategically introducing the grafts in to the bald patches to give you a completely natural look.


The results of your FUE predominantly depends on your surgeon – his experience and expertise.

No, insurance does not cover SMP, given that it is a cosmetic, elective procedure. Talk to your doctor about the cost of the procedure and how many sessions you will require. You could explore EMI options that are now being provided for aesthetic medical procedures.

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