beard transplant cost in Bangalore

Unveiling the truth of beard transplant cost in Bangalore: what you should know before taking the plunge


Among the various hair restoration procedures growing in popularity among men these days, beard transplantation is one with its appeal. A well-groomed beard has, throughout civilizations. 


It is associated with symbols of masculinity, maturity, and wisdom. Not everyone is genetically wired to grow a thick, even beard. 


Beard transplantation can ensure thick, equal growth of beards. Beard transplant cost in Bangalore varies due to different factors, and this is a modern solution to an age-old concern.


Are you, too, wondering how much a beard transplant cost in Bangalore? First, you have to understand what makes up the price. 


These include the technique used, the extent of the transplant, and the surgeon’s expertise. They are important when making an informed decision.


This blog will help you understand everything you need about beard transplant cost in Bangalore, enabling you to plan your transformation with confidence and clarity. Look no further; discover how a beard transplant can help you achieve that dream beard without breaking the bank.

Table of Contents

What is a beard transplant in Bangalore?

Beard transplantation is when your hair is taken from one part of your body to your jawline, and anywhere you want your beard to grow. It takes place by a different process. There are two main processes that a surgeon can take.


All essential facilities in Bangalore, along with some of the best cosmetic surgeons, serve all types of state-of-the-art medical treatment. So, this is one of the main destinations for the beard transplant procedure.

FUE beard transplant cost in Bangalore

In FUE, complete follicle units are extracted from the donor area. Because it is less painful, it is the most commonly performed procedure. 


Men have demanded much of this advanced technique to increase their facial hair. This is because of its natural appearance and minimal scarring. 


Before starting your transplantation process, You must know that a beard transplant in Bangalore can be quite expensive. 


Some factors can be considered in the FUE procedure’s beard transplant cost in Bangalore. 


These factors include the number of grafts needed and the surgeons’ expertise. This article outlines beard transplant cost in Bangalore step-by-step, together with the treatments available. 

Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) Beard Transplant cost in Bangalore.

This procedure is supposed to resemble a surgeon cutting a thin patch from the back of the head and pulling the hair follicles out. 


A follicular unit cluster is a small bunch of hair. A follicular unit is a small grouping of hairs. All of them may emerge through the skin through one exit point. 


Only the highest level of technology and better cosmetic surgeons can help you get your desired beard. But what about the FUT beard transplant cost in Bangalore? 


Knowing the prices of FUT beard transplants can be a big card game. This technique is very famous for its high accuracy and natural outcome. 

It is a technique in which the hair follicle is transferred from the donor area to the beard. It gives a thick and definite appearance. 

Beard Transplant cost in Bangalore: procedure and details.

Harvesting – 


Depending on the type of hair transplant you agree to, either FUE or FUT, the surgeon will shave that area on your head. 


It helps to provide them with a better view of the hair follicles at the implantation site so they can start transplantation. 


You would be given local anesthesia before the actual harvesting begins. 

Transplantation – 


The surgeon first removes the follicles from the scalp and then provides a local anesthetic in the respective facial area where the transplant is to be implanted. The surgeon then plants the hair follicle, directed by the beard design you and the surgeon agreed on earlier.

Recovering from beard transplant cost in Bangalore =


You will need one day to recover from the beard transplant surgery. You recover in 7 to 14 days after a beard transplant. After 3 weeks, you can continue your activities, shave, or trim as usual. 


Your new beard hairs might fall out after 2 or 3 weeks post-surgery. This is normal; do not panic. Then, the latest hair should grow in.

Find The Most Reliable Centre For Best Beard Transplant Cost In Bangalore

Looking for a trustworthy beard transplant centre in Bangalore? Look no further—one Centre has all the answers. New Roots Clinic is one of the top choices for people looking for world-class beard transplantation in Bangalore. 


The shining results and state-of-the-art technology have made New Roots Clinic one of the best in offering a personalized treatment plan custom-made for you.

How much would a beard transplant cost in Bangalore?

How much would a beard transplant in Bangalore cost? The cost is upfront and without hidden charges at New Roots: Skin, Laser & Hair Transplant Clinic. 


This provides you with the opportunity to get the best value for the money you invest in the procedure. Conclusively, at New Roots: Skin, Laser & Hair Transplant Clinic, a journey of beard transplant with the most trusted support line is ensured through a committed team of surgeons in the profession and patient care.


Transplant surgery is one way to fill gaps in your beard. It helps you establish a beard where none would grow before. It is an invasive and expensive procedure, but its effects will be long-lasting. 


You choose the procedure and speak with your doctor about the risks and benefits of surgery and the healing process. You might have little to no beard growth. Your genes might be to blame, but you have options if you want facial hair in the future. 


There are also many reliable centres and clinics for beard transplants in Bangalore, like New Roots. New Roots has the most experienced surgeons and uses the most reliable technologies. 


Beard transplant cost in Bangalore depends on multiple factors. These factors include the surgeon’s expertise and the technology they use for the transplantation. 


The range of beard transplantation costs in Bangalore can be very wide. Because there are many different factors that must be accounted for. The starting price for beard transplants in India is usually around 40 

per follicle plus GST.

The cost of a 3000-graft hair transplant in India is Rs. 60,000 to Rs. 90,000. This amount of money related to the cost of hair is paid for each little portion of hair transplantation. It is a valid practice to determine what you need to be financially prepared for and then proceed. Someone who prefers a lower cost may also want his hair transplantation to be less intrusive.

The minimum beard transplant cost in Bangalore for the 5000 grafts would be 2,60,000. This would differ for several reasons, including factors such as the clinic, the surgeon’s operating skill, and, most importantly, the technology.

Often, beard hair transplant operations are performed under local anesthesia. The operation is scheduled for an outpatient, so the effect will be only slight discomfort.

It is completely up to you whether you want to have a beard transplant done at a young age if you are indeed ready to acquiesce to your parent’s wishes. A beard transplant at a young age is no problem. But if you are just a little bit patient, it will naturally thicken your facial hair in a matter of time.

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