Your guide to the best hair transplant clinic.

Expert Tips For the Right and Best Hair Transplant Clinic

Your ultimate guide to picking the perfect hair transplant clinic for the transformation you desire.

Expert Tips For Right Hair Transplant Clinic

It’s time to restore your hair, it’s time you start to love your hairline and its time to reclaim your life!

Unlock your confidence and reinstate your self worth by transforming your look with a hair transplant surgery!

Understanding the Basics of Hair Transplant

Hair loss can be a rather distressing and traumatic experience – whether it is hair thinning, a receding hairline, or balding on the crown. Having a hair transplant is a permanent solution for hair restoration to get back a head full of hair!

A Brief Overview of Hair Transplant Surgery

Your doctor will assess and evaluate your case; and you and he will discuss your health status, eligibility for the surgery and your hair goals. Based upon this consultation, a tailor made plan will be curated for you.

Why Do People Opt for Hair Transplant

People who suffer agonies because of hair loss absolutely need to consider having a hair restoration surgery, given that the trauma of the hair loss is taking a huge toll on the mental health.


Hair loss lowers your self-esteem, makes you diffident and can even send you in to depression. A hair transplant promises to bring back your lost confidence! It will greatly boost your self-worth!

The Hair Transplant Procedures

You and your doctor will decide between FUE and FUT and which one is best suited for your needs.

Two types of hair transplant procedures are performed – the FUE, wherein hair follicles are excised from the donor site and transplanted in to the recepient area; and FUT, wherein a strip of hair is excised and then transplanted to the recepient area. Once the specifics have been nailed down, you will be given pre surgery guidelines that you must follow.

The surgery is conducted under local anaesthesia; you are fully conscious but you do not feel any discomfort or pain.

In the morning, the follicles are excised; post lunch, the grafts are planted at the new site. After the procedure, you can return home. It is extremely important that the entire procedure is conducted very smoothly, thus you must look in to the details of every aspect of the treatment plan.

Pre and Post Surgery Considerations

Before and after your surgery, you will be given instructions which will optimise the safety and the outcome of the procedure.

You will be given a kit for aftercare at home. Make sure you understand the after care package and consultation schedules; those are crucial.

What to Look for in a Hair Transplant Clinic

Choose wisely! Choosing the right clinic is the biggest milestone in your hair restoration journey! Make sure you opt for a doctor who has had immense experience and is offering you the most advanced and innovative treatments available. The hair restoration procedure should be tailored to the personality of the patients.

Assessing the Clinic's Reputation

It is important that you do a background check on the clinic and it’s doctors. You have to be a 100 % sure that it is completely safe and absolutely reliable.

Ensure that the team is using precision instruments, avant garde techniques and trail blazing technology. Check points for you –

Credentials and Experience of the Surgeon

The chief prerequisite when choosing your doctor is to verify his credentials and look in to his experience. Choose a surgeon who has over 10 years of experience and has had about 10,000 patients, with incredible results. The team of doctors plays a pivotal role too. The auxiliary staff should help you with your aftercare and make your experience smooth, stress free and uncomplicated.

Doctor’s Expertise

The hair transplant, done well will yield beautiful, natural-looking results; this is where your doctor’s handiwork comes in to play! His expertise and experience will proffer great results! How well the grafts are extracted and then transplanted will determine your surgery. Your surgeon should place the hair follicles close together, ensuring good hair density and a seamless looking hairline.


Choose a surgeon who pays close attention to the original hairline and the designed hairline and discusses it with you at the consultation. Determining the hairline in advance is very critical.


Also, make sure that your doctor is licensed and certified to carry out the hair transplant surgery.

Quality of the Facilities and Equipment

Ascertain the kind of facilities, amenities, and technology that’s being used by the clinic. Discussing with your doctor as well as others who’ve had the procedure will be very insightful.

Patient Satisfaction and Reviews

The decision to have a hair transplant is not made lightly. It would be prudent for you to have a chat with people who have had the procedure, and know if they are happy with the choice of the clinic.

Patient satisfaction and reviews will give you an all comprehensive detail of the deftness of the doctor, how competent the staff is, the responsiveness of staff, the doctor-patient communication, technical know-how, and the environment of the clinic.

Patient Testimonials

We live in a world where people’s reviews and testimonials are a deciding factor for most of the choices that we make. A good patient review plays a pivotal role in helping us zero in on the clinic as well as the doctor. Aesthetic healthcare is largely driven by patients posting reviews online on clinic website, on hospital rating sites, and social media sites – this has a very powerful influence in shaping our choices. Patient reviews on Google and studying patients’ before and after pictures has notably transformed the way a patient selects a doctor. Online reviews helps the patient compare doctors, clinics, and facilities. Browsing through reviews online on Google, Facebook, Instagram and clinic websites helps the patient to better understand and guage the experiences of other patients. Patients are doing their homework before booking a hair transplant consultation! Patient testimonials give you perspective of the level of care and also proffers you an objective and meaningful comparison of various clinics, so that you can make the best decision.

Key Questions to Ask Your Potential Hair Transplant Clinic

Getting a hair transplant is a mammoth step and it is strongly recommended that you ought to take time to research about the procedure and talk to your doctor.

When you discuss with your trichologist, make sure that you ask him all your doubts, enquire about his experience, the number of procedures that he has conducted, and check out the before and after photos of the patients along with their testimonials.

In-depth Consultation Process

Each and every person who goes in for a hair transplant has different needs; thus, it is imperative to have an all embracing consultation with your doctor. In case, there is no consultation or assessment before the scheduled surgery, it is extremely suspicious. A good clinic will help you make a sound decision by providing you with as much information that you need.

Post Surgery Support and Follow-Up Services

The success of your surgery depends on your doctor’s expertise as well as the post op care. So, you need to dedicatedly follow instructions laid down and the team should support you whole heartedly during the after-care and recovery phase.

Discuss the post op care package with your doctor so that you know exactly what to expect.

Red Flags When it comes to Choosing a Hair Transplant Surgeon

You need to ensure that you select the right clinic, where the doctors are certified and licensed. Make sure you check the clinic and doctor’s certificate and do a background check on the education and verify if the clinic premises are properly licensed.

Outrageously Cheap Prices

You might be tempted to go for a cheaper treatment option, but should you really bargain hunt when selecting a hair transplant clinic? It is a huge investment for yourself. You must be extremely cautious about hard-selling tactics and remember that doctors do not chase to make a sale. At a clinic, you are paying for the experience, expertise, quality, amenities and safety. Never opt for a really cheap package, it means they are cutting corners everywhere.


If your hair transplant surgery seems extraordinarily cheap, you should be alert! The cost of a hair transplant depends largely on – the doctor’s experience and expertise and the use of superlative technology for hair restoration. Approximately the procedure will cost you Rs 30000 to Rs 300000.

The package usually includes –

Thus, if your package seems unbelievably cheap, you absolutely need to see that as a red flag.

Lack of Transparent Communication

Poor communication and a complete lack of transparency in communicating is a red signal. It signifies that they are rather unsure and somewhat diffident.

It will lead to a host of misunderstandings and a break in the trust between you and the doctor. When you disregard red flags, you are bound to face adverse consequences – you will waste time, money and effort and will not be happy with the results.

Pushy Sales Tactics

If the doctor, his team or the salespeople are badgering and pressuring you in to making a quick decision or are making you far fetched promises which seem too good to be true, it is time that you stepped back. Be exceedingly cautious about pushy marketing ploys and always remember that a medical expert will never run after you to make sales.

Making the Final Decision: Key Factors to Consider

When you are making an informed decision, make sure that you choose a clinic that’s been built on years of experience and has had numerous successful hair transplant surgeries. Viewing patient testimonials and talking to clients who are ecstatic about the results, is definitely the way to go!

Financial Considerations

The cost of a hair transplant depends up on the number of grafts that need to be transplanted. The number of grafts needed differs from person to person as well as depends on the situation. The quality of the donor hair, the degree of balding, your general health and your hair goals, also determine the number of grafts that will be required.

Hair transplants are exceedingly popular now and a large number of people is electing to get the procedure done. Hair transplant is a cosmetic surgery; and is not covered by insurance companies. You need to plan the financial aspect of your surgery.


The hair transplant is carried out under local anaesthesia; the area becomes numb and it thwarts pain. So, the hair transplant itself is completely pain free. You will be awake during the procedure, and you will know what’s going on. You will feel tugs and pulls on your scalp when the follicles are being extracted, but no pain. Post procedure you may experience minor pain and discomfort, for which you will be prescribed pain killers.

The Association of Hair Restoration Surgeons of India is the certified and approved syndicate of doctors who are licensed to conduct a hair transplant surgery. Having MS ENT, MS General Surgery, MD Dermatology and MCH Plastic Surgery degrees are licenses to carry out a hair transplant.

If you work from home, then you can resume work, from the very next day post your surgery. Since you are working from home, you can stick to the guidelines and mandates outlined by your doctor and adhere to the post op schedule given by him.


Contrariwise, if you travel to work and go to the office, then it is very important that you take 7 to 10 days off from work. You need 10 days to recover from the surgery; signs of surgery such as – swelling, redness, inflammation, and scabbing should go away completely before you resume work. What’s more, the 10 days gives the grafts adequate time to get firmly lodged in to the recipient site.

You may be advised to use Minoxidil or Finasteride after the surgery to preserve your existing hair by slowing down the speed of hair loss.

Modern and avant garde techniques promise you the most natural looking results after the surgery. FUE treats each follicle individually and independently, and each follicle is inserted strategically in to the recipient area, thus giving you completely natural looking hair.

The new improved hairline is obvious immediately after the surgery! There will be gradual progress in the growth of your hair and you will see noticeable results within an interval of 3 to 6 months. However, it will take 1 whole year for your hair to grow fully.

Hair transplant is a cosmetic procedure; and is not covered by insurance companies.

Hair transplant has gained humongous popularity and lots of people are going in for it. Consequently, finance companies are providing easy EMI options to help take the edge off your financial weight.

The recovery phase after the FUE is very short and you can bounce back to your routine in 15 to 20 days. After about 3 months, the transplanted follicles start to sprout new hair. Attaining full natural hair growth takes 1 year after the surgery.

Getting your lost hair back promises to bring your lost confidence too! You will be happy with the way you look and that will give your self-worth a tremendous boost and will help conquer your depression.

Biotin is a miracle! It has the potent ability to augment your hair health. It thickens your locks and makes them longer and stronger. Your doctor will advice you as to the necessity to take biotin supplements post the surgery.

Hair transplant has taken rapid strides and made tremendous advances giving you natural-looking results. When conducting an FUE, the surgeon transplants only a few healthy follicles at a time; thus, this prevents the unnatural appearance that people in the 70s and 80s had to endure! Additionally, doctors have made significant improvements in designing the hairline and strategically inserting the hair in to the bald patches to give you a natural look. Your FUE predominantly depends up on the surgeon you opt for; hence, you must choose one who has numerous hair transplants to his credit.

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