FUE vs. PRP: New Roots Guide

FUE Versus PRP: A Comparative Analysis of Hair Treatments

⦿ In-Depth Comparison: FUE Versus PRP for Effective Hair Treatment

An Introduction to FUE and PRP Hair Treatments

On an average, one third of the population of a mixed age group, reportedly grapples with hair thinning and hair loss. And by 50 years of age, half the population will have experienced hair loss!

Having a hair restoration procedure promises to help you deal with hair thinning and hair loss in a permanent way. You need to confer with your doctor and understand which hair restoration procedure would be the best fit for you.

Understanding What is FUE Hair Treatment

FUE or Follicular Unit Extraction is a hair transplant surgery to boost hair growth. 1 to 2 hair follicles from the donor area, i.e. at the back of the scalp are extracted and planted in to the recipient site where the hair is thin or where there’s no hair at all. New hair grows and it covers up the bald.

A Comprehensive Insight into the PRP Hair Treatment

PRP is Platelet Rich Plasma therapy – it is a natural, minimally invasive procedure that promotes the growth of your hair by using your own blood. A branch of Regenerative Medical Science, PRP is used successfully in treating a host of conditions. PRP promises to reduce hair loss drastically and also pledges to augment hair thickness and hair volume significantly.

The Science Behind FUE and PRP Hair Treatments

Both, the FUE and the PRP are science backed medical procedures which help restore lost hair.

In the FUE, individual hair follicles are excised out from the donor site using a punch. The donor site is at the back of the scalp where the hair are permanent, i.e. they grow life long. The follicles from here are transplanted to the recipient site, where there is hair thinning and hair loss. The new grafts take root at the recipient site and within a period of 3 months they sprout new hair, thus dealing effectively with balding.


For the PRP, you need to understand that the blood is made of – RBCs, WBCs, platelets and plasma. The division of cells, the growth of cells and the regeneration of cells is managed by the platelets. For the PRP, the platelets are five times more concentrated than their concentration in the normal blood. The concentrated platelets are injected in to the scalp, and this boosts excellent hair regrowth.

How does the FUE work?

The FUE uses grafts from the back of the scalp where the hair are permanent, i.e. the hair here grow all life long. The permanent follicles are extracted from the donor site and transplanted to the recipient site. The grafts get anchored firmly at the new site and within 3 to 6 months new hair grows.

FUE – The Procedure

Natural hair grows at different angles. It takes great artistic skills and immense precision to place the grafts in the correct position, at the perfect angle, and in the right direction for a natural and seamless appearance.

How Does PRP Treatment Work in Hair Growth?

PRP or platelet rich plasma treatment is a very effective non surgical minimally invasive treatment option for people suffering from hair loss. The procedure makes use of your own platelets which help boost hair regrowth tremendously.

PRP – The Procedure

This therapy promises to augment blood supply to the hair follicles and activates hair growth, making the hair strong, thick and healthy. It increases the thickness of the hair, perks up the volume of hair and lengthens the growth phase of the hair cycle.

A Comparative Analysis: FUE Versus PRP

Hair restoration calls for a long-term commitment and it is important that you chose an effective, well proven and evidence-based treatment plan which will suit your requirements, goals and lifestyle.

Both, FUE as well as PRP are very successful and highly popular treatment options to battle hair loss. Both provide great results and tackle hair loss well. Each one has its own set of advantages and disadvantages; here’s a quick look –

Benefits of FUE over PRP Hair Treatment

Advantages of PRP over FUE Hair Treatment

Making a Decision: FUE or PRP?

Before you decide which hair restoration procedure you will opt for, there are several important issues that you need to keep in mind. It is important that you have realistic expectations, or else you are simply setting yourself up for a disappointment. If you wish to have a hair transplant, and do not have much hair, the surgery won’t give you a full head of hair. If your donor hair is thick and dense, then your results will be good and they will last a lifetime.

PRP is long-lasting, but not permanent. PRP proffers a truckload of nutrients to the hair follicles but does not address the root cause of balding. PRP results last for 18 months to 2 years.

Expert Opinions on FUE and PRP Hair Treatment

Experts from across the globe state that if you are suffering from irreversible hair loss, you would greatly benefit from having an FUE hair transplant surgery. It is especially recommended for those people whose hair follicles are absolutely damaged and do not function at all and you have complete balding. When you have a hair transplant procedure, the hair follicles that are transplanted, come from the back of the scalp where the hair are permanent. Since the donor hair are permanent, the effects of the surgery will last you a lifetime. FUE is perfect for cases of hair loss and balding and where there are absolute bald sites. When you plan to have an FUE, it is imperative that you establish your expectations and understand the outcome from your doctor. Your general health plays a pivotal role in deciding whether you can have an FUE or not.

Experts say that PRP works wonders in cases of heavy duty hair fall. PRP can help stop the hair fall and boost hair regrowth; along with auxiliary treatment such as medications, supplements and a ‘hair diet’. The platelets in the platelet loaded plasma get activated, and release growth factors which increase the number of the reparative and restorative cells in the body. This boosts your body’s natural healing process appreciably, which in turn encourages good hair growth. You need to understand that for PRP to work well, the hair fall needs to stabilize completely. The precise cause needs to be dealt first and then hair growth will be boosted. PRP works on hair follicles which are dormant or inactive and enhances their functioning; it won’t work where the follicles are not functioning at all and there’s complete balding.

Patient Testimonials

Getting patients’ testimonials and reviews will help you decide which choice you should make. Discussing with someone who has had a hair restoration procedure can help you zero in on a good doctor. Evaluating the before and after pictures and assessing testimonials have vastly changed the way in which one selects a doctor.

The FUE promises you fantastic hair restoration which lasts a lifetime. People claim that the hair transplant transforms their hair and appearance drastically, making their self esteem soar! Within 4 to 6 months, the new grafts sprout new hair and the bald sites get filled up. By 12 months you have a head full of hair!

PRP has earned positive reviews. There’s an 89 % satisfaction rate for the treatment and people say that they’ve seen their hair become thicker after the procedure. Bald patches have literally been reversed. The receding hairline too starts to grow back.


  • PRP therapy will help conserve your existing hair.
  • It is perfect to tackle cases of Androgenetic Alopecia and Androgenic Alopecia.
  • PRP stops hair thinning and hair loss; and augments hair regrowth appreciably.
  • PRP enhances the volume and thickness of your hair.
  • You must use a doctor approved shampoo to cleanse your scalp.
  • Steer clear of saunas, steam rooms and swimming pools for 5 to 7 days after you’ve had your PRP.
  • Do not wash your hair for 2 days after you’ve had the procedure. This will give the PRP adequate time to go deep in to the scalp and start working.
  • Keep your scalp and hair well moisturized.
  • Do not use styling products for 7 days after the treatment.
  • Make sure that you consume a healthy diet that’s loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants – it will support healthy hair growth.

PRP is not recommended in the following conditions –


  • If you are diagnosed with skin conditions such as – skin cancer and are on chemotherapy.
  • If you have a blood disorder or a platelet anomaly.
  • If you are on to steroid therapy and anticoagulation therapy.
  • If you are pregnant.

PRP helps thicken and activate your hair follicles if they are inactive and dormant. The treatment will maximize the functioning of your existing hair follicles. For those who have hair thinning but haven’t gone bald yet, PRP will be extremely beneficial. You will need 4 to 6 sessions followed up by booster treatments. This will augment hair growth and stop hair loss.


You need to understand that PRP can’t help you if the hair follicles are no longer present. That means, PRP will not be of any use in bald areas where you do not have any hair follicles. PRP is perfect for hair thinning, but it does not treat the underlying medical condition or cause of hair loss. Regardless, PRP restores hair thickness, reinstates lost hair and halts the progression of hair loss.

The PRP treatment comprises of 4 to 6 sessions; and the results last for approximately 2 years. However, the PRP is not permanent; and you will need touch-ups every 1 to 2 years.

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