hair transplant charges in india

A Comprehensive Guide to Hair Transplant Charges in India: Affordable and Effective Solutions


Baldness solutions have become common in the recent past, especially in India. It is a relief to most people who battle with baldness or thinning of hair. Nevertheless, to grasp the charges is sometimes a very daunting task. 


The hair transplant charges in India truly depend on the clinic/doctor and the technique used. The hair transplant charges depend on different factors like procedure techniques, the number of follicular units as well as the location of the clinic.


Do you have concerns about hair loss and think about wanting to thicken hair with a hair transplantation? Perhaps the most important information you will require is the hair transplant cost in India. India is definitely among the cheapest and still best countries to get hair transplants in the whole world.

Understanding the hair transplant charges in India can assist you in planning well and then making the right decision. In this blog, you will get all you need to know about hair transplant charges in India. 


This blog will explain these options and, therefore, assist with the choice of the most suitable technique. In this article, an attempt will be made to dissect various hair transplant charges in India so that an informed decision can be taken.

Table of Contents

1. Hair Transplant Charges in India: Using different techniques

The above discussion has noted how pub patronage varies by gender and age. It is important to adjust the brand to the typical customers so that it will be easier to appeal to them through the media.

Follicular Unit Transplantation ( FUT) hair transplant charges in India

Techniques such as Folicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) are the oldest and are considered to be effective. In this simple procedure, a tissue of the scalp is taken from the back of the head. 


The tissue is sequentially dissected into grafts. Each of them seems to contain from one to four hair follicles. These grafts are transplanted to the bald regions of the head. 


It is considered that the success rates of FUT are highest as per global standards. Conversely, it is recommended for patients who require numerous grafts in the procedure. 

FUE hair transplant charges in India

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) is a relatively recent procedure. Rather than taking out a strip of the scalp, single hair follicles are harvested from the donor site. 


These follicles are then transplanted to the areas of baldness. FUE does not leave any scar and it is for this reason that several people go for this option.

Modern Techniques (DHI and Robotic) hair transplant charges in India

Other sophisticated methods of hair transplantation are DHI and robotic hair transplantation. FUE is close to DHI but in this procedure, the surgeon uses specific equipment known as a Choi pen. 


This makes it possible to have accurate implantation without having to first manufacture the recipient sites. That is why DHI has opted for faster recovery, falling in line with the natural hairline appearance.


Robotic hair transplant helps in the extraction and the implantation method since it is technology-based. Drones give better results. 


There is less human interference which sometimes leads to mistakes. These techniques can be slightly expensive when compared with other traditionally learned techniques because of the use of technology.

2. Hair Transplant Charges in India: procedures and recovery

It is crucial to go through the understanding of hair transplant charges in India accompanied by a focus on each of the mentioned stages.


As with harvesting, transplantation and recovery also, costs may differ from one state to another and between different companies.


Harvesting is the first procedure that is followed in hair transplant surgery. This includes taking out the hair follicles present in the donor site. It is mostly the nape of the neck. 


Currently, there are two primary methods, known as the Strip method or Follicular Unit Transplantation (FUT) and the second one is called Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). 

In FUT, an area of the scalp is shaved whereas in FUE hairs are pulled out one at a time. 


FUT is preferred as it is cheaper and less time-consuming but it will result in a linear scar. FUE, as compared to the FUT method. It is much more expensive but there is no visible scar on the head and the recovery period is shorter.


Transplantation comes immediately after harvesting. Once produce has been harvested then it is transplanted. In this stage, the extracted hair follicles are transplanted to the areas of the scalp that have baldness. 


For instance, Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) channelizes a particular needle that directly implants hair follicles without forming various slots. Robotic hair transplants are reasonably futuristic in terms of doing away with the aspect of precision. 


DHI and the robotic methods are relatively expensive than FUT and FUE. However, they yield better natural outcomes and faster healing.

Recovery Time

One strength of this study is that the researchers were able to compare the recovery time for a hair transplant along with the cost. 


As for the time needed to recover, FUT might be longer because of the nature of the intervention. On the other hand, FUE and other complex methods such as DHI and robotic transplants will often take less time to heal. 


Consequently, most patients can resume their normal activities in the next 10 to 14 days.

3. How much are Hair Transplant Charges in India?

Before opting for a hair transplant in India, it becomes necessary to know the approximate prices of the procedure and the factors causing such charges. It ranges from INR 25,000- INR 40, 000 in India. 


Price is perhaps the main factor that characterizes the procedure since hair transplantation cost depends on many factors.

Technique Used

The general cost of a hair transplant depends on the style that is used in the operation. Many people recognize that FUT is cheaper than FUE. 


Some of the most expensive methods are DHI and robotic transplants because they are accurate and utilize technology.

Number of Grafts

This depends on the number of grafts that are used in the accomplishment of the procedure. If more grafts are going to be performed then the expense will be relatively more. 


The graft number depends on the degree of baldness and the density that will be required when the hair is to be transplanted.

Clinic Location

The location of the clinic in the city can also determine the cost of the services. It is expected that the prices will be considerably higher in large cities like Mumbai, Delhi, and Bangalore than the prices prevailing in the smaller cities/ towns. 


This is because it has been observed to be relatively expensive in metropolitan areas probably because of high overhead charges and demand.

Surgeon’s Expertise

The cost can also be influenced by the experience that the surgeon has along with his or her reputation. Specialists and well-experienced surgeons may demand more due to their experience and the special kinds of techniques used.

Additional Services

Other expenses may come up including consultations before surgery, prescription and other medical expenses after surgery. It’s usually up to the clinic to decide the number of extra treatments that they can add to the basic procedure, and these add-ons can alter the total cost.

4. Right Clinic for Hair Transplant Charges in India

The choice of the clinic for hair transplantation is critical as it determines both, the success rate, and the cost involved. The New Roots Clinic is recommended as the best one for the collaboration due to its relatively low prices. 


Its services are provided at a very high level. That is why focusing on a clinic like New Roots will guarantee the best results and the most up-to-date approaches will be applied while taking the budget into account. 


When you select this clinic, you get the latest approaches and experienced personnel who treat you with the best price-to-quality ratio.

5. Conclusion

Considering all the options, the primary step in making the right decision involves comprehension of the charges of hair transplantation in India. 


That is why hair transplant in India is also known for low-cost services and experienced professionals work on it. Different parameters such as methods of harvesting hair, method of transplantation, and days needed for recovery affect the overall charges of hair transplantation in India. 


Knowing these factors can help in arriving at a fairly accurate cost estimate for your needs in hair restoration. New Roots Clinic for your hair transplant needs means that you get the quality and the result that you need at a reasonable price. 


Check out what they offer to know how they can assist you in attaining the hair restoration objective you have at an affordable price.

6. FAQ’s

You will need 1 lac to 4 lac for the hair transplant in India. 

You will need to pay 60,000 to 90,000 Rs to get 1500 graft hair transplants in India. 

To perform a procedure to transplant 3000 hairs (grafts) costs around Rs.1.2 lac – 1.5 lac per sitting at any good Indian city.

It depends on various factors like how many grafts you need. However normally, approximately two lakhs are sufficient for transplanting around three thousand to thirty-five hundred grafts hairs.

In India per hair graft charges are around 35 to 50 INR. So, in simple maths if 5000 graft hair transplant costs around INR of 150000 to 200000 on an AVG.

With tax added the cost of QHT (Quick Hair Transplant) varies from INR40-250k. 

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