Nanoplastia Hair Treatment Cost

Understanding Nanoplastia Hair Treatment Cost: Is It Worth the Investment?

Cost-Effective Hair Transformation: Nanoplastia Explained

Dealing with frizz can be really exacting and demanding and calls for a dedicated approach to banish the frizz and have smooth, glossy hair.


It is rather difficult to decide what hair treatment to get and which is reliable for taming wild tresses, resolving hair issues, and breathing life into your hair!


The Nanoplastia hair treatment rejuvenates and repairs damaged hair and seems to be a solution to most hair woes. In the world of hair care, Nanoplastia has surfaced as a trailblazing treatment that has revolutionized hair rejuvenation.


In this article, we will discuss Nanoplastia Hair Treatment costs and more. Let’s explore the details and benefits of this innovative hair care solution.

Table of Contents

Nanoplastia: Redefining Hair Beauty

Nanoplastia is a new hair straightening treatment. Nanoplasty or nanoplastia uses a unique formulation with amino acids, collagen, and other active nutrients. 


It promises you shiny, glossy and healthy hair without using any harsh chemicals at all. 


Nanoplastia permanently straightens your hair. It straightens 70 to 90% of the hair, and the results last for about 2 months.


It is a fantastic deep-conditioning treatment which is bound to give your hair all that it needs – it gives you a big beauty boost your hair needs and loves!

Advanced Hair Revitalization

If you have super frizzy or extremely difficult-to-manage hair, Nanoplastia is something you need to explore!


Do you dream of achieving salon-styled gorgeous hair using only a blow dryer? Nanoplastia is totally your answer! 


This cutting-edge hair treatment has gained a great deal of popularity as a promising way to manage frizzy, dry, wild hair and reinstate shine to lifeless locks without using chemicals. 


Nanoplastia uses nanotechnology to deliver natural nourishing and conditioning agents directly to the roots. It enhances texture, fights off frizz, offers gleaming hair, and boosts general hair health.

The Science Behind Nanoplastia

The formulation used for annuloplasty is composed of collagen and amino acids. Due to the high temperature, the amino acids penetrate deep into the cortex of the hair. The formulation strengthens and fortifies the hair structure and repairs the hair from within.


Collagen boosts hair texture and is a powerful antioxidant. Carbocysteine and oxacetamide are also part of the composition and are potent hair-straightening agents.

Nanotechnology in Hair Care

Nanoplastia involves using highly trail-blazing principles of nanotechnology for hair care.


Nanoplastia uses nanoparticles obtained from ingredients such as keratin or amino acids. These are tiny enough to penetrate the hair cuticle.


The tiny particles fill in the gaps and flaws along the shaft of your hair, thus repairing damage and reinforcing the hair structure. The nanoparticles seal the hair cuticle and thus smooth out frizz. They also create a protective shield against environmental elements.


When the nanoparticles seal the cuticle, your hair is better able to hold on to moisture, and consequently, it looks healthy and shiny. Nanoplastia uses natural ingredients to make the hair smooth, shiny, and healthy. 


The formulation of the nanoparticles is bespoke and can be curated keeping in mind specific hair types and conditions. 


Nanoplastia is a beautiful amalgamation of avant garde science and hair care, giving amazing solutions for hair woes. Your hair will look healthy, glossy and gorgeous without any harshness linked to chemical treatments.

Engineering Hair Perfection through Nanoplastia

Let us understand the treatment. Nanoplasty involves applying a formulation to the hair and leaving it on for about 2 hours. Thereafter, each strand is dried and straightened 15 times.


Then the hair is washed and blow-dried. The wonderful effects are evident immediately.

Post-treatment care for Nanoplastia

Post-care is very important to sustain the results of Nanoplastia. Follow these guidelines –


  • You must wait 48 hours before washing your hair – this will allow the nanoparticles to set well.
  • Use a gentle, sulfate-free shampoo to wash your hair and scalp. This will not strip off the nanoparticles and will retain the smoothness. 
  • Do not heat style your hair. The heat will compromise the treatment and cause the hair to become dry and lifeless.
  • Use a nourishing and hydrating conditioner to maintain the shiny texture 
  • Protect your hair from the sun.
  • Wash your hair well after a swim in chlorinated water and seawater. 
  • Avoid perming or coloring your hair after Nanoplastia.
  • Schedule regular trims to get rid of split ends and to keep your hair healthy. 
  • Make sure that you hydrate well and eat a wholesome diet. 
  • Follow the expert’s recommendations and advice concerning hair care, the products and follow-up treatments.


These guidelines promise that you can prolong Nanoplastia’s awesome benefits and keep your hair looking healthy and beautiful! 

How long does the treatment take?

Nanoplastia is rather time-consuming. The average treatment time ranges from 3 to even 5 hours. It all depends on the density, length, and degree of curl of the hair.

Why Choose Nanoplastia – Benefits Explained

Nanoplastia pledges to give you – shiny, resilient, strong, and healthy hair. It controls frizz and dryness and makes the hair look absolutely gorgeous! 


Nanoplastia is famed for its transformative, gorgeous effects – it enhances smoothness and gloss. 


  • The hair is coated with nanoparticles which smoothen the cuticles, thus giving you a shiny appearance.
  • It seals the hair cuticles and prevents loss of moisture, which in turn makes your hair gleam. 
  • Nanoplasty reinforces the hair strands and makes them super resilient to breakage and damage. 
  • It significantly improves the manageability of your hair, making it easier to style.
  • Nanoplastia enhances the texture of your hair while maintaining a natural look and feel.
  • It promises you long-lasting results – the results will last several months.
Potential Pitfalls and Side Effects of Nanoplastia

Nanoplastia, while aiming to augment hair shine, smoothness and manageability, has a few side effects.


Nanoplasty generally has really minimal side effects as compared to the awful chemical treatments. 


If the formulation is wrongly applied and the technique is not done correctly, side effects are known to set in. People with sensitive skin or scalp are more vulnerable to these effects. You must discuss this with a trichologist and a knowledgeable professional to reduce the chances of risks and to make sure that the treatment is a good fit for you.

Side Effects of Nanoplastia Demystified
  • Scalp Irritation: Some people develop mild scalp irritation and a heightened sensitivity to the formulation used.
  • Allergic Reactions: Some people develop an allergic reaction to the nanoparticles used for the treatment, and it causes – redness, itching, and swelling.
  • Dry Hair: Occasionally, nanoplastia may make your hair dry and brittle.
  • Hair Loss: Hair shedding and hair loss may occasionally occur because of excessive pulling during the treatment. Fortunately, the hair loss is temporary in nature.
  • Hair Color Changes: Rarely, the color of your hair may get altered slightly. 

It is vital that you talk to a trichologist and a qualified professional before getting nano plastic done. You should understand the treatment and its potential risks and be sure that the treatment is suitable for you.

Contraindications for Nanoplastia
  • The chief contraindication for Nanoplastia is a very poor condition of the hair and really damaged hair.
  • Extremely damaged hair, particularly by innumerable chemical treatments, needs to be managed by a trichologist first and made healthy using foods, natural masks, supplements, and natural hair care products. Nanoplastia could cause greater damage if done before the hair is repaired. 
  • Another big red flag is scalp infections – fungal or bacterial, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, folliculitis, or other inflammatory conditions.
  • People with sensitive skin or vulnerable to allergic reactions should not get nanoplastia done; they could react to the nanoparticles used in the treatment.
  • Doctor’s advice against getting nanoplastia done when pregnant and breastfeeding. 
  • Children should not get nanoplastia done since their skin and hair are very sensitive. 

Planning Your Beauty Budget: Nanoplastia Price Considerations

The cost of Nanoplastia differs, and it depends on a whole bunch of factors – the salon’s location, the reputation of the professional doing your treatment, the length of your hair, the volume of the hair, and the product that will be used. 


By and large, Nanoplastia is slightly more expensive than the regular hair treatments of smoothing and straightening.

Navigating Nanoplastia Costs: Your Guide to Pricing

Nanoplastia will cost you from – 5000 Rs to 15000 Rs per session. 


Some salons offer discounts for multiple sessions. Talk to your provider to get the precise cost details and to understand what the package will cover—the session, aftercare products, touch-up sessions, etc. 


When you get Nanoplastia done, make sure you select a reputable salon and an experienced provider to ensure its safety and effectiveness.

Factors that Influence the Cost of Nanoplastia

The cost of neoplasia is based upon several considerations and factors. 


  • Location of the Salon – The salon’s location will significantly influence the cost of the procedure. Salons in an elite neighbourhood will charge a great deal more.


  • Reputation, Experience, and Expertise of the Professional—The expertise and experience of the stylist greatly impact the pricing of the treatment.


  • Length and Thickness of Hair—The length and volume of your hair will decide how much product and time are required to perform the neoplastic. Long, thick hair needs a lot of product, and it’ll take longer to treat it, too, thus escalating the cost.
  • Quality of the Products Used –  High-quality branded formulations are very expensive, and offer better results.
  • Auxiliary Services—Some salons incorporate other services into the package, such as haircuts, hair styling, and additional treatments. These need to be factored in as well.
  • Personalization – If the salon gives you bespoke personalized treatment based on your specific hair requirements and preferences, the cost increases.
  • Aftercare Products—Some salons include the aftercare products in the package, which impacts the cost of the annuloplasty. 


Nanoplastia breathes new life into dull, lifeless, damaged hair. It is a fairly popular, cost-effective treatment that makes the hair smoother, manageable, healthy, straight, and glossy. 

Nanoplastia is a fairly safe treatment. It uses a natural-based formulation, so side effects are minimal. However, the treatment calls for high heat application, and if certain chemicals used set off some sort of allergy, there are chances of hair and scalp damage.

Nanoplastia is safe, but you need to have a thorough consultation with a trichologist and a stylist. You should also get skin patch testing of chemicals and a complete understanding of the hair quality.


Safety depends largely on the composition of the formulation used. Nanoplastia is usually less harsh than other hair straightening treatments that employ formaldehyde or formaldehyde-releasing elements. You ought to check the ingredients list and ensure it’s all safe.


The safety of the treatment also depends on your stylist’s experience and skill. The correct use of heat tools, application of the product, and technique are vital to achieving the best results without affecting your health.

Nanoplastia lasts for about 2 to 6 months. The actual duration depends on how you care for your hair after the treatment, your hair quality and post-care follow-up visits.

Experts advise against tying the hair too tight for a certain period of time after neoplasia. This is because neoplasia uses certain chemicals and heat, both of which temporarily change the structure of the hair. 


You must follow the specific instructions on how to care for your hair after you’ve had a nanoplasty. It’s important to follow guidelines carefully to ensure the best results and to avoid damage.


Tying the hair tightly will create a lot of stress on the hair and the roots, which will interfere with the effectiveness of the treatment.


Let your hair air dry naturally, and steer clear of all activities and hairstyles which will put a strain on the hair. Even when you tie your hair, after a couple of weeks, use gentle hair accessories that won’t pull or tug on the hair.


If you’re unsure when it is okay to tie your hair, ask your stylist; she will guide you.

Both nanoplastia, as well as keratin treatment, are hair smoothing treatments – they differ in the following ways –


Ingredients and Mechanism: 

Nanoplastia: Nanoplastia employs nanoparticles, amino acids, and proteins that go right through the hair shaft and fill in the gaps and damaged portions. The nanoparticles repair, hydrate, and smoothen the hair.


Keratin Treatment: uses formaldehyde or formaldehyde-releasing elements with keratin protein. The hair strands are coated with keratin, which smoothens the hair, fights frizz, and intensifies gloss and shine.


Duration and Results:

Nanoplastia: Compared to keratin treatments, nanoplastia results last for a short time period. The effects will last for 1 to 2 months. 


Keratin Treatment: Keratin treatment lasts for a long period of time of about 4 to 5 months. 


Application Process:

Nanoplastia: The formulation is applied to the hair, it penetrates, and then the cuticles are sealed with heat. 


Keratin Treatment: the formulation is applied, and heat is needed to bond the keratin to the hair. The hair is then straightened with a flat iron for that smooth effect.


Chemicals and Safety:

Nanoplastia: The nanoplastia formulation does contain a few chemicals, however, it does not contain formaldehyde or any nasty chemicals. Scan the ingredients list of Nanoplastia to check for safety.


Keratin Treatment: The formulation for keratin treatment contains formaldehyde, and it is a huge concern because of the health risks that have been linked to its exposure.

Hair color change after Nanoplastia rarely occurs; however, if it does occur, these could be a few reasons –


A chemical reaction with your present Hair Color: The chemicals used for nanoplastia may interact with your current hair’s color and the interaction will change the appearance of the hair color slightly.


Post-Nanoplasty Hair Care Products: Your hair care products may contain ingredients that alter the color of your hair. Certain shampoos, conditioners, or styling products may have certain elements which subtly alter the color of your hair.


Perception of Shine: After nanoplastia, your hair will shine and gleam! This makes your hair a lot more vibrant and the color may appear to be different compared to before the procedure.


It is very important that you consult your stylist. He will provide you insights into the products used for neoplastics and whether any potential reactions may have occurred. He will also recommend the right hair care products for you to use. Additionally, you must discuss the situation with a trichologist to assess it better.

Nanoparticles—Nanoparticles are the basis of Nanoplastia. The minuscule particles penetrate the hair, repair damage, and enhance hair texture.


Amino Acids – amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that fortify your hair and give deep conditioning.


Proteins – Various proteins are used to smoothen the hair cuticle and decrease frizz.


Conditioning Agents – Silicones or plant oils condition the hair and make it shine.


Moisturizers – Glycerine is an excellent humectant that hydrates and softens the hair. Some nanoplasty formulations use natural ingredients; some include chemicals that help make the hair super smooth. It’s important for individuals interested in nanoplastia treatments to inquire about the specific ingredients used by the salon or stylist and to discuss any concerns regarding ingredient sensitivities or preferences.

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