Therapy of Platelet Rich Plasma for Hair Growth - New Roots

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy for Hair Growth

Demystifying PRP: Science, Benefits, and Future Applications

PRP – Platelet Rich Plasma therapy is a completely natural, minimally invasive procedure which encourages excellent hair growth by using your own blood. PRP is a branch of regenerative Medical Science and is used extensively and successfully in the field of Medicine. PRP pledges to decrease hair loss dramatically and increase hair thickness and volume substantially.

Understanding the Basics of PRP Therapy

The blood is composed of – RBCs, WBCs, platelets and plasma. The platelets oversee the division of cells, cellular growth and cell regeneration. In PRP, the platelets are five times more concentrated than in our normal blood. This concentrate of platelets is introduced in to your scalp, and this helps in good hair regrowth.

What is PRP?

PRP or platelet rich plasma hair loss treatment is an effective non-surgical option for men and women who are suffering from hair loss and hair thinning. It’s a very safe and a super effective treatment procedure that uses your own blood platelets that stimulate hair regrowth.

How does PRP Therapy Work?

  • Firstly, your blood is collected; drawn from your arm.
  • The blood is spun in a centrifuge, and it is separated in to the components.
  • Platelets are collected and the platelet packed plasma is introduced in to your scalp specifically at those sites where there is significant hair thinning and hair loss.
  • The PRP is introduced in to your scalp at precisely half inch intervals.
  • PRP boosts the supply of blood to the hair follicle and helps activate your hair growth, making your hair thick, strong and healthy.
  • PRP is so popular and well loved because it increases the hair count, promotes hair thickness, peps up hair volume and lengthens your hair cycle’s growth stage.

Follow up Sessions of PRP Treatment

Your trichologist will recommend that you have PRP treatments every 3 weeks; and you have 6 to 12 sessions in total so that you attain the very best results. Your doctor will advice a top-up therapy every 3 to 4 months depending upon the outcome.

Precautions and Aftercare Following PRP Treatment

  • There will be some degree of pain, bruising and inflammation in the scalp, which may last for about 5 days. Consult your doctor and take the necessary medications.
  • If the pain does not subside, infection may have set in; antibiotics may be required. Conferring with the doctor is vital.
  • Stay away from vigorous exercise, direct sun light and heat exposure for a week after the treatment.
  • Use shampoo and conditioner as prescribed by your trichologist.
  • No hair products should be used for 2 days after the procedure.
  • Avoid swimming for a week after the procedure.
  • Avoid alcohol, caffeine, and smoking for a week after the treatment.
  • Keep your water intake good.

The Science Behind PRP

The platelet rich plasma introduced in to the scalp sets off your healing mechanism to heal the affected areas where micro injuries have been caused when the platelets have been injected. This brings about repair through growth factors. The growth factors encourage the formation of collagen, which boosts hair regrowth.

Role of Platelets in PRP

Platelet rich plasma is a concentrate of platelets within a tiny volume of plasma (as compared to normal blood) which proffers tissue repairing benefits. Enriched with potent growth factors, PRP boosts new hair growth, greater hair density and larger hair volume.

The Benefits and Effectiveness of PRP Therapy

  • PRP helps conserve your existing hair, in cases of Androgenetic Alopecia and Androgenic Alopecia.
  • It puts a stopper to hair thinning and accelerates hair regeneration.
  • Increases the thickness and volume of your hair, giving you a full head of hair.
  • As a consequence, your self confidence and self esteem get tremendously boosted.

Limitations of PRP Therapy

There are a few limitations of the treatment –

  • If you have a chronic disorder, PRP won’t yield results. The chronic disease – diabetes mellitus, hypertension or any other medical condition needs to be treated first. PRP will not fix the underlying problem. Hair loss will continue in spite of having the PRP therapy. When PRP is done in conjunct with treating the disorder, that’s when you will see results.
  • When there’s a hormone imbalance or when you have drastic oscillations in your hormone profile, such as a thyroid abnormality or PCOS, medicines are necessary to bring the hormone profile in order; thereafter PRP will tackle the hair loss issue.
  • There are times when PRP won’t work when hair loss is because of other reasons apart from male or female pattern balding. Hair loss because of undue stress or scarring alopecia can not be handled well by PRP.

The Risks and Side Effects Associated with PRP

PRP is a very safe procedure, given that it uses your own blood. There are hardly any side effects associated with the therapy and more often than not, if they do occur, they are negligible.

  • You will experience a little pain and discomfort at the site of the injection.
  • There may be minimal bleeding or redness at the injection site.
  • Some people complain of slight soreness.
  • A very small percentage of patients have complained of mild headaches, feeling of tightness, swelling and oozing.

All these symptoms fade away and disappear in 5 days.

Why Choose Us?

The New Roots Hair Clinic boasts of an expert team of doctors, trail blazing techniques and top-notch infrastructure. We have perfected the art of hair restoration and promise you fabulous results! Our PRP  treatment stimulates excellent hair growth, decelerates hair fall and hair loss and increases hair volume.


Heavy smokers, those on blood thinners, or those who have a medical condition like liver disease, diabetes mellitus, cancer, chronic infections, or low platelet count, are poor candidates. Your doctor will decide what’s best for you based on your medical profile and history.

1 PRP session will take about 1 hour to complete.

PRP works well for those who have mild to moderate hair loss. PRP encourages natural hair growth; and the therapy will work only if you have active or dormant hair follicles. Those who are completely bald have inactive hair follicles, or severely damaged hair follicles or hair follicles which don’t exist; in these cases, PRP won’t yield any results.

Needles used for PRP are very fine. The injections do not hurt; however, some do experience a little bit of discomfort and pain in some parts of the scalp.

Most people can start to notice hair regrowth within three months. It can take up to 12 months for you to notice a significant difference in the overall thickness and quality of your hair.

Experts recommend undergoing treatments every 3 weeks. Consistent and regular treatments ensure that your hair follicles get constantly stimulated. You will need 6 to 12 sessions, every 3 weeks. Thereafter, top up PRP every 3 to 4 months is advocated by doctors, depending upon your outcome.


With PRP you will notice a dramatic decrease in hair loss with 3 months and hair regrowth becomes apparent in 6 to 12 months. Based on how your scalp is responding, your trichologist will decide what is the best fit for you.

Results of PRP are usually seen within a period 3 months. Brilliant results become perceivable with a year’s time. Effects are permanent and long lasting, however, you will need a touch-up session every 4 to 6 months to sustain the results.

Those who have been diagnosed with chronic disorders or hormone imbalances may not see results soon. PRP can not tackle the underlying disorder. The medical condition needs to be treated first and post that PRP treatments need to be started for optimal results.

  • Your hair will be a lot thicker and denser.
  • The regrowth will effectively deal with the hair thinning and bald spots.
  • You will have a head full of hair!
  • You will see a marked improvement in your receding hairline.
  • Your self-confidence will receive a humongous boost!

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