PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad

Unlock Thicker Locks: Experience the Benefits of PRP Hair Treatment in Hyderabad


Hair loss is quite challenging, and any loss of hair is a blow to one’s personality. Fortunately, there have been a few dramatic discoveries in the sphere of medical therapies that offer marvelous interesting solutions for people who would like to regain their perfect hair. 


One such development has been the PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad which is a unique methodology that radiates positivity towards non-surgical hair restoration. This revolutionary treatment utilizes natural platelet concentration in the body to stimulate hair follicles to increase hair density growth. 


In this vast prospect, it will be disclosed what this treatment is, such wonderful changes it imparts to people’s lives, and the cost that it entails therefore outlining the course provided at New Roots Clinic that makes this process a reality. 

Table of Contents

Understanding PRP Hair Treatment

PRP (Platelet- Rich Plasma) is a medical treatment technique recently brought to light due to its effectiveness in curing hair loss. The procedure involves three primary steps: extracting the blood sample from the patient, performing the spin technique to get the platelet concentrate, and finally using the straight line technique to get PRP and inject it into the scalp.

Blood Collection: These blood collections are just like typical tests where a small amount of blood is extracted from the patient.

Centrifugation: A centrifuge is employed to affect the blood sample and is divided into different parts according to the density. Consequently, microtubules are aligned in such a manner that growth factors are situated at the center of the platelets.

Injection: The isolated PRP is then injected into areas of the scalp needing the treatment. These growth factors are of particular importance as they tend to stimulate hair follicles, thereby promoting regrowth of hair and thickness of the hair.

Benefits of PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad

Therefore, PRP hair treatment can be preferred in cases of hair loss because of its benefits with high demand in Hyderabad. Some key benefits include:

Safety: Since the treatment involves the application of the patient’s blood the occurrence of side effects or complications as is embraced in hair replacement therapy is rare.

Minimal Downtime: The procedure is more cosmetic and it is accompanied by little or no downtime. After most of the treatments, the patient can resume his or her normal activities without having to stay at the hospital.

Natural Results: As for the treatment PRP is confirmed to act upon stimulating hair follicles and improving the look and bulkiness of hair and, therefore, the treatment provided by PRP results create a perfect harmony with hair follicles.

Boosted Confidence: Among the more elaborate advantages of the treatment, the patient can regain some of his/her self-esteem and confidence while on the other hand, the quality of life of those who underwent treatment is also boosted.

Effective for Various Hair Loss Conditions: It can be because of genetics, stress, or some health issues, but as per the findings of PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad it has been effective in different types of hair loss especially those caused by Androgenetic alopecia.

Long-Lasting Effects: However, when PRP is done effectively with the required number of follow-up sessions and treatments, high and long-lasting benefits can be obtained.


The above-mentioned points explain the advantages of undergoing PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad and thus the process is considered to be one of the best hair restoration treatments.

The Procedure of PRP Hair Treatment in Hyderabad

the steps involved in the procedure of PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad  are usually:

👉 Step 1: Initial Consultation

The clients first get to have the first consultation with one of the specialists before the treatments. This is done by taking a history of the medical condition, understanding the process of hair loss, and personalizing it.

👉 Step 2: Blood Collection

Throughout the treatment, which is usually administered over a single day, the patient’s blood is drawn from their arm usually in the range of 20-30 milliliters.

👉 Step 3: Centrifugation

The blood that is drawn is placed in a container which is centrifuged and this is where the blood is spun around at a high rate for it to be separated based on its weight. 


This process usually takes about 10-15 minutes and results in three distinct layers: The main product that was produced was red blood cells, other than that the two types of plasma included platelet-poor plasma and platelet-rich plasma.

👉Step 4: Injection

The technician takes PRP and using a syringe carefully injects it to the areas where the patient wishes to have hair implantation in the specific areas by targeting the areas which has poor hair density or baldness. 

👉 Step 5: Post-Treatment Care

After the treatment is done the patient is advised on how to manage his/her scalp. This is because, after the treatment, intense exercise, sun tanning, and some hair care products should not be recommended for at least three days to maximize the effectiveness of the treatment. 


Follow-up sessions are usually advised to be held in intervals of four to six weeks and more to maximize the outcomes. Most physicians recommend a course of around six sessions and ten sessions in total, which are divided into approximately three to six sessions. 


PRP hair treatment’s precision when practiced in Hyderabad means that a patient gets the most appropriate treatment, thus increasing the chances of getting a desired hair regrowth.

Eligibility for PRP Hair Treatment in Hyderabad

While PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad offers benefits to a wide range of patients, it is essential to ascertain eligibility, which typically includes:


Individuals with Early Signs of Hair Loss: The individuals who are typically going to be considered for hair transplants are patients suffering from thinning of hair or receding hairlines.


Not Completely Bald: PRP is most beneficial for people who still have hair follicles; it is not as helpful for completely bald people.

Overall Health: It must be understood that healing is a significant process for a candidate and deep vein thrombosis may occur, therefore people with severe health problems should not undergo the procedure.


Non-smoking: Non-smokers have higher chances of getting the best outcome since smoking is known to slow down the recovery process and hair regrowth.

Not Pregnant or Breastfeeding: PRP therapy can be risky for women at the age of childbearing or when they are breastfeeding since they are often discouraged from taking the procedure.


Before proceeding to the surgery, it is advisable to have an initial consultation where a lot of conversation is conducted which identifies whether the patient is appropriate for the procedure to be done.

Cost of PRP Hair Treatment in Hyderabad

Everyone who seeks hair restoration including the PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad  Should consider the cost implications.

The average price per session can vary widely based on several factors:

Clinic Reputation: Clinics that have been in business for a long and have personnel with adequate experience may charge higher. 

Treatment Packages: Some clinics provide discounted rates based on the number of sessions which are cheaper per session when all are prepaid at once. 

Experience of the Practitioner: Skilled practitioners who have received proper education and training, and who have a record of high success rates usually work narrowly and at rather exorbitant fees.

Why New Roots Clinic is Your Best Choice for PRP Hair Treatment in Hyderabad

Selecting a proper clinic for PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad is the key to success for such treatment. New Roots – Skin, Laser & Hair Transplant Clinic stands out as a leading choice for several compelling reasons: 


Experienced Professionals: Trichologists working in the clinic are knowledgeable and skilful in dealing with the patients to provide the best services concerning hair issues. 


Advanced Technology: Having updated equipment and techniques, New Roots guarantees the successful outcome of the treatments that will be designed specifically for the patient. 


Quality Care: The clinic is organized around patients’ success, offering detailed consultations and check-ins, creating a culture that values success. 


Positive Reputation: Therefore, by providing numerous satisfied clients and appealing testimonials, New Roots Hair Loss Company has been deemed efficient enough. 

Comprehensive Approach: Besides PRP, the clinic has various services for hair restoration to ensure that the patient’s needs are catered to hence making it a one-stop center for hair treatments. 


New Roots is a go-to place for PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad, as here patients can get an individualized approach and quality treatment.

Meet the Expert: The New Roots Clinic has been run by Dr. Y. Padmaja.

Dr. Y. Padmaja who is a leading specialist in the New Roots Clinic is well experienced in dermatology as well as cosmetology. Having M. B. B. S. from Mediciti Institute of Medical Sciences and an M. D. in DVL Dr. Padmaja has over two years’ experience in hair restoration. 


Expertise in Hair Treatments: PRP therapy and hair loss are among her specializations which means that the doctor is popular among the patients in search of an efficient treatment. 

Personalized Care: Dr. Padmaja is prudent in patient care and spends considerable time with each patient to initially listen to their concerns as well as an expected treatment plan. 


Advocate of Innovative Techniques: Always in pursuit of the newest procedures in hair restoration, Dr Padmaja makes certain she gives her patients the best. 


Results-Oriented: Most of the patients conduct themselves proudly after leaving the clinic, which is due to the knowledgeable and friendly approach she offers them. 


In choosing PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad, patients get to consult with Dr. Padmaja and be confident to get good hand treatment at New Roots Clinic for hair regrowth.


Thus, PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad is an effective nonsurgical solution for many hair loss patients. For these reasons of safety, relatively shorter duration of the process, and looking more natural than Afro-Asian patients, hair transplantation has become one of the options in various hair restoration operations. 


Patients will receive quality services in New Roots Clinic from qualified staff and experienced facilities such as Dr. Y. Padmaja to guarantee patients one of the best experiences towards attaining thicker and healthier hair. Experience your beautiful PRP and bring out the new, enhanced, and confident version of yourself to life! 


If you wish to know more or get your free consultation, do visit New Roots Skin Hair Laser and you are on your way to owning a set of fuller and shinier hair today!

FAQs about PRP hair treatment in Hyderabad

​PRP hair treatment cost in Hyderabad: The overall approximate rates for the session vary between ₹3000- ₹19000. ​ The cost per session ranges between 7000 to 10000 Rupees depending on the clinic and the individual needs of the patient.

PRP hair treatment can reveal the lost hair but it is not a permanent method. Generally speaking, it takes about a year, though, it may require booster treatments to keep the results going. Results depend upon individual characteristics; health conditions and the severity of hair loss.

PRP hair treatment is generally safe due to its use of the patient’s blood, reducing severe risk. Common side effects include mild discomfort and swelling, while serious risks, such as infections, are rare but possible with inadequate care.

PRP hair treatment is often seen as a worthwhile investment for hair restoration. Clinical studies indicate significant improvements in hair health, but results can vary individually. Maintenance is essential, so potential long-term costs should be considered.

For effective hair restoration, typically 3 to 6 PRP sessions are recommended. These sessions should be spaced about 4 to 6 weeks apart, tailored to individual needs and hair loss severity to maximize treatment effectiveness.

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