Synthetic hair transplant

Manage Hair Loss and Transform Your Look with Synthetic Hair Transplants!


An exceedingly common concern affecting millions of people across the globe, hair loss and balding can now be managed successfully! 

Hair loss causes undue stress and wreaks havoc with your self-confidence. While traditional hair transplant techniques such as Follicular Unit Transplantation and Follicular Unit Extraction are extensively used by a large section of the population, there are a host of people who opt for synthetic hair transplant too. 

This groundbreaking procedure is the perfect alternative for those who are not eligible for traditional hair transplant surgery, do not have sufficient amounts of donor hair at the back of their scalp or do not want to have an invasive surgical procedure. 

On the flip side, you must know that synthetic hair transplant is a rather disputable option unfortunately, given its multi-coloured history. 

What’s more, synthetic hair has been banned in a few countries, and there are quite a few legal concerns regarding the prudence of its usage. You need to research everything you can about synthetic hair transplants and confer with a trichologist.

Table of Contents

Synthetic hair transplants: a cost-effective solution for hair loss

A synthetic hair transplant implants artificial hair fibres into your scalp to mimic natural hair. The texture and color of the synthetic hair fibres are completely similar to that of your natural hair. Synthetic fibres are made from nylon, polypropylene, or other man-made alternatives.

Understanding Synthetic Hair Transplant

A synthetic hair transplant involves implantation of man-made hair fibres into your scalp to successfully tackle hair loss and balding. 


In contrast to conventional hair transplants, which use the person’s hair, an artificial hair transplant employs man-made fibres which greatly resemble human hair. 


Synthetic hair fibres are made of polypropylene, polyester or acrylic and fit in well with your existing hair.

Synthetic hair transplant: A detailed look at the Procedure

  • An initial evaluation will be done wherein your trichologist will assess your hair loss pattern, the condition of the scalp and hair, and your overall health to understand the suitability of the procedure for you.
  • A compatibility evaluation will be conducted before implanting the artificial fibres into the scalp to find out whether you are allergic to the synthetic hair fibres.
  • Approximately 100 synthetic hair fibres are anchored into the bald sites, and these fibres will be monitored for 1 to 2 months to see if you develop any allergic reaction to them. If you do not develop any adverse reaction to the artificial fibres, then he will carry out the entire procedure.
  • It is important that you understand the chief features of a synthetic hair transplant so that you can make an informed decision as to whether you want to get it done or not. 
  • The scalp will be cleaned well and prepared for implantation. Local anesthesia will be administered to ward off pain.
  • The synthetic hair will be embedded into the scalp using a special gadget. The fibres will get anchored securely.
  • For the procedure, synthetic fibres are implanted at the bald sites. Each strand of artificial hair features a tiny knot at the tip, which is embedded and fastened deep within the scalp.

Post Procedure Mandates

After you’ve had the procedure, you will be given a set of instructions and guidelines for care and maintenance. 

Post Procedure Dos for Synthetic Hair Transplants

  • It is imperative that you stick dedicatedly to the post-procedure guidelines and instructions laid down by your doctor about the medications and care.
  • Keep your scalp very clean; gently wash the scalp as directed by the expert. Use mild, non irritating, doctor approved shampoos.
  • Avoid direct exposure to the sun and always protect your scalp from direct sunlight. Wear a hat when outside.
  • Handle your scalp and hair with care. Do not scrub, rub or scratch vigorously.
  • Make sure you eat a healthy, wholesome diet to support hair health as well as healing.

Post Procedure Don’ts for Synthetic Hair Transplants

  • Steer clear of all strenuous activities and heavy exercises which are likely to trigger sweating – for about 2 to 3 weeks.
  • Do not use harsh hair care products, styling products or coloring agents which could irritate the scalp.
  • Do not smoke or drink alcohol. 
  • Do not wear tight caps or helmets; they put pressure on the scalp, uproot the synthetic hair fibres and disrupt the healing process.
  • Do not scratch, rub or pick the transplanted area – it will cause infection and damage.

Synthetic Hair Transplants: Benefits and Challenges

The synthetic hair transplant procedure promises remarkable benefits and is a great remedial action for hair loss and balding. 


Contrariwise, the procedure is also fraught with a few disadvantages and risks.


Understanding the benefits of synthetic hair implants and weighing the benefits out against the pitfalls is important. Balancing all the elements is very vital for you as well as the doctor when considering a synthetic hair transplant.

Top Benefits of Synthetic Hair Transplants

Here’s  a round-up of the advantages of having a synthetic hair transplant –


  • It’s a Non Surgical Option: A synthetic hair transplant is a minimally invasive, non surgical option compared to the FUE and FUT methods, thus making it the preferred choice for people who wish to avoid surgery.
  • Immediate Results are evident: you will see instantaneous results with a synthetic hair transplant as compared to the FUE and FUT which require a recovery timeline and a growth period. You are assured of instant cosmetic results, in strong contrast to traditional hair transplants, which typically need 9 to 12 months before results are apparent.
  • It is Cost Effective: a synthetic hair transplant is less expensive than a conventional hair transplant, thereby making it more accessible to people. 
  • Donor Site not needed: the synthetic hair fibres do not depend on donor hair availability, they are artificial fibres which are embedded in to the scalp. You can have the procedure even if you do not have sufficient donor sites. It is a successful procedure even in fairly advanced stages of hair loss.
  • If you are ineligible for a conventional hair transplant: a synthetic hair implant is a successful alternative when there is extreme baldness and conventional hair transplant can not be carried out. 
  • Age is not a barrier: You can have synthetic hair implanted into your scalp no matter how old you are. 
  • Zero downtime: You do not need to bring your daily routine to a halt, since the synthetic hair transplant is an out patient procedure, and needs hardly any downtime and recovery time.
  • Post Procedure guidelines are minimal: There are no major post-op mandates required to be followed, except following a hair care regimen and going for routine follow-ups.
  • The color of the fibres is retained: Your hair will not turn grey with age! And what’s more, synthetic hair comes in a whole range of colors and in all kinds of hair textures.
Potential Drawbacks of Synthetic Hair Transplants

Here are a few limitations and drawbacks associated with having a synthetic hair transplant –


  • Rejection: sometimes, the synthetic fibres tend to get rejected by the body, causing complications like irritation, inflammation or infection. This one is a major complication of the procedure because your immune mechanism is rejecting the synthetic hair fibres since they are a foreign body. When this happens, you will develop severe allergic reactions.
  • Short Lifespan: the artificial hair fibres seem to have a rather short lifespan in comparison with natural hair. Furthermore, you need very good care, regular maintenance and a replacement every few years.
  • The hair looks artificial: despite the amazing advancements in technology, synthetic hair does not always blend in well with your natural hair, and this could potentially give you an unnatural appearance.
  • Maintenance: careful maintenance is necessary to make sure that the artificial hair last long and to prevent tangling or discoloration of the hair fibres. You will also need a good scalp cleanse every 15 to 20 days by a professional to prevent an accumulation of sebum, oil, grease and dirt.
  • Recurrent infections are fairly common: Being prone to recurrent infections is a huge side effect.
  • Low resilience: Approximately 30 % of synthetic hair is known to break within the first 12 months, and you will in all likelihood need re-implantation.
  • Dermatitis is common: Contact dermatitis develops in the scalp because of frequent allergic reactions.
  • Hair loss and balding : a lot of people are known to develop cicatricial alopecia. In really rare situations, the synthetic hair could also damage all the surrounding natural hair, causing widespread balding.
  • Cysts: Cyst formation is very common in people who’ve had a synthetic hair transplant.
  • Hair care product restrictions: You can only use specific hair care products that have been advised by your trichologist and are suitable for artificial hair fibres.
  • Headaches: seldom, some people complain of migraine headaches because of the artificial fibres.
  • Fibres get dislodged: there have been instances when people have rubbed or scratched the scalp and the implants have come off. The artificial hair are very delicate and are easily dislodged.
  • Carcinogenic: There have been worries about the likelihood of developing cancer.


How to Avert Complications and Side Effects Linked to Synthetic Hair Implants?

Once you know the likely pitfalls and complications that are likely to occur after a synthetic hair transplant procedure, it is very easy to avert them.


You must visit your trichologist once a month to have your scalp thoroughly cleaned. In case sebum and oil plugs form at the root of the embedded hair, severe infections develop. There will be associated inflammation, swelling and cysts.


 Regularly visiting your trichologist will help him evaluate your hair and scalp and give you any remedial advice if required.


Synthetic hair implants are a fairly successful technique to tackle hair loss and balding. It is simple, quick, and painless and promises you a natural, aesthetic outcome in a brief interval of time. 

The topic of synthetic hair fibres is highly debatable, given its history and FDA disapproval, thus, highlighting its unsuitability. On the other hand, the synthetic hair fibres used today are a lot safer and far more effective. 


You must consult a trichologist and have the procedure done by one who is committed to providing safe, secure, and successful synthetic hair restoration that will deliver great results.

Synthetic hair implants last for approximately 2 years, and the fibres are known to shed at a rate of 10 % every year.

Yes, synthetic hair also sheds, and they fall out.

Yes, synthetic hair gives you a lasting solution, the hair are durable and tend to last for 2 years.

Research says that synthetic hair can damage your natural hair and may even trigger hair loss in case you do not take proper precautions and care. What’s more, synthetic hair is a debatable topic, and the procedure is fraught with a few complications.

Approximately 2000 synthetic fibres are implanted in one session.

Synthetic hair is man-made fibres that have been curated to imitate the look and feel of natural hair. It is used in wigs, hairpieces, and hair implants.

It is imperative that you talk to your trichologist and discuss everything with him. Whether or not you can heat style your synthetic hair depends upon the type of synthetic hair fibres that have been used for the implant. Some artificial fibres can endure heat styling up to a specific temperature, but some cannot. Check with your trichologist as well as read the manufacturer’s instructions and guidelines well.

Synthetic hair calls for a lot of care and maintenance. Wash the artificial hair with cool water and a mild, doctor approved shampoo. Keep away from heat styling and using harsh hair products. Let the artificial hair air dry.

Synthetic hair will last out from 6 months to 2 years. The durability depends upon the quality of the fibres and how you care for your hair. 

No, synthetic hair can not be colored. The color of the artificial hair is fixed during manufacture. 

Coconut oil, jojoba oil and olive oil are great natural oils for your hair. These are beneficial for your scalp, your natural hair as well as the synthetic fibres. These oils are crammed  with fatty acids which closely resemble those found in human sebum and they moisturize and protect your hair and scalp. Use natural oils to moisturize your artificial hair and to keep them soft, strong, and manageable. 

Before having the procedure, have an in-depth discussion with your trichologist and he will understand your medical history. You will be prescribed a battery of investigations and tests. You will also be prescribed certain hair and scalp care products, which you must use before the procedure to prepare your scalp for the synthetic fibre implants. 


Following the post-procedure mandates is extremely vital. Follow the medicine schedule prescribed by your doctor to keep away from complications. You will also be prescribed special hair care products to manage and protect your synthetic hair. Use the shampoo that’s been advised by your trichologist and scrub the scalp gently using a soft brush to prevent a build-up of sebum and dirt. Be very gentle with your hair because the artificial hair fibres get dislodged easily.

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