A comprehensive guide to MNRF - New Roots

Unlocking the Magic of MNRF: A inclusive Guide With Basics

Unveiling the Magic of MNRF: A Comprehensive Guide

MNRF or Micro Needling Radio Frequency is a highly specialised and advanced therapy to revive your skin, boost collagen, effectively deal with acne scars and tighten your skin. It’s a less invasive procedure that significantly boosts collagen production, evens out the skin tone, and lessens the appearance of fine lines, wrinkles and scars. MNRF combines two technologies – micro needling and radio frequency to help proffer exceptional results within a short period of time after the treatment! When radio frequency is used in conjunct with micro needles, the entire process helps penetrate deep in to the skin to transform and refashion your collagen to bring about absolute skin rejuvenation. MNRF is a revolutionary treatment that successfully tackles acne scars, wrinkles and irregularities in the skin’s texture and makes you look years younger!

Understanding the Basics of MNRF

MNRF is a method of skin resurfacing which integrates radio frequency with micro needling; both these therapies promise to provide remarkable results. MNRF amalgamates both in to one mega-treatment! The micro needles penetrate the skin and deliver controlled radio frequency energy below the epidermis.

What is MNRF - Micro needling Radio frequency

MNRF is an aesthetic treatment procedure to get rid of acne scars and to bring about skin rejuvenation. The radio frequency waves along with micro needling stimulates the manufacture of collagen, which treats skin issues, makes your skin tighter and gives you a youthful appearance.

  • Radio frequency rejuvenates and tightens your skin. The heat generated by the radio frequency waves makes your body synthesize collagen and elastin.
  • Micro needling creates tiny wounds and injuries which kick off the wound healing cascade. Micro needling also stimulates the production of collagen and elastin as a response to the healing process.
  • This amazing therapy treats scarring successfully; and also deals with irregularities in your texture, wrinkles and all the tell-tale signs of ageing.

History and Evolution of MNRF Laser

The Chinese used needling as therapy thousands of years ago. In the early 1900s micro needling was used to treat skin ailments in Germany. In the late 1990s, modern day, advanced micro needling really took off. Micro needling was pioneered by a Canadian dermatologist and the trend spread like wild fire to the United States and Europe. During the 1990s, dermatologists integrated radio frequency waves with micro needling, and this provided fantastic healing benefits to the skin. Adding radio frequency to micro needling proffers dramatically better results! The combination of the two therapies helps further stimulate collagen production, giving your skin a healthier, firmer, rejuvenated appearance.

The Functionality of MNRF technology

The micro needles cause a little trauma beneath the skin and this provokes a healing response. This response stimulates collagen formation. The radio frequency stimulates blood flow which increases oxygenation to the skin. As a result, you will see a tightening and plumping effect on the skin.

  • MNRF diminishes as well as gets rid of unsightly acne scars.
  • Improves the texture of your skin substantially.
  • Makes the tone of the skin even.
  • Tightens sagging skin.
  • Reduces fine lines and wrinkles

The Trailblazing MNRF!

What makes MNRF so amazing is that the micro needles generate countless minute pinpricks in to your skin. The pinpricks act like really minuscule channels for the radio frequency energy to flow through. This in turn, triggers your skin’s natural healing response, and as a direct consequence, the production of collagen is boosted appreciably to give you a smooth, even toned, younger-looking skin.


MNRF is by far, more effective and less aggressive than deep chemical peels and laser skin resurfacing. MNRF promises you noticeable improvements in your skin in a very short period of time and also with a very short recovery time. There are no associated complications and you can return to work immediately post your treatment. A truly revolutionary treatment, MNRF quickly and surely takes you on to your way to beautiful skin!

The Safety Measures before MNRF

  • Do not use retinoids 6 months before MNRF sessions commence.
  • Steer clear of exfoliants, topical antibiotics and acids one week prior to the treatment.
  • Avoid pain killers 3 days before your treatment.
  • Protect yourself well from the sun.
  • Do not wax 1 week before the treatment.
  • Stay away from blood thinning agents 7 days before the procedure.

Understanding the Safety Protocols of MNRF

  • The micro needles are placed on your skin.
  • The micro needles penetrate the skin.
  • Radio frequency energy is applied.
  • This triggers collagen regeneration.

Potential Risks and Side Effects of MNRF and How to Avoid Them

  • You must keep away from anti-inflammatory medications for 7 to 10 days after the treatment to avoid any kind of complications.
  • Do not use ice on your face after the procedure.
  • Avoid exposure to direct sunlight for 20 days after the procedure. Always use sunblock when you step out. Wear sunglasses and a hat for complete protection.
  • There will be a mild degree of redness and inflammation post the treatment; which goes away in a couple of days.
  • If there’s too much pain or soreness, use a painkiller. Confer with your doctor.

MNRF - Safe for All Skin Types

MNRF treatment does not depend on the type of skin and thus, can be used to treat any kind of skin. Importantly, there’s hardly any risk of the hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation that is fairly common with the usual laser treatments. Energy is generated within your skin thereby making it one of the safest therapies available.

The Efficiency and Effectiveness of MNRF

Hundreds of clinical trials and case studies have been conducted, to evaluate the efficacy of MNRF. Results show that, after the treatment, you will see mild redness. Within a day or 2, you will notice a sharp improvement in the texture and tone of your skin. MNRF has zero downtime associated with it; nonetheless, your skin will feel dry and there will be slight shedding for a few days after the procedure.


Your dermatologist will advice 3 to 4 sessions. Each session will take on an average 30 – 60 minutes.


You most definitely will need follow-up sessions to maintain your fabulous results.

Medical Benefits due to MNRF

MNRF is a giant break through therapy in dermatology. It’s a blessing for those who wish to manage fine lines and wrinkles, unsightly and stubborn scars, pigmentation, sagging skin and stretch marks.


  • MNRF is fraught with less discomfort than most other dermatology procedures. You will experience a little redness for the first two days after the procedure; however, it is minimal in comparison with other laser techniques.
  • MNRF has hardly any downtime; you can go back to your everyday life immediately after the procedure.
  • MNRF is brilliant for the most stubborn and unsightly acne scars as well as for obstinate, ugly stretch marks.
  • MNRF is wonderful to effectively treat hyperhidrosis; a condition where one sweat excessively.
  • MNRF literally reverses the signs of ageing!
  • The results of MNRF are evident in less than a month’s time.

Choosing the Right Dermatologist – Why Choose Us?

MNRF is best administered by a trained expert. If you  The New Roots Hair and Skin Clinic, we provide you one-on-one consultations with a dermatologist who will examine your skin type, determine the best treatment routine and will discuss concerns along with your medical history.


We promise complete guidance with an all-comprehensive pre-care and after-care assistance. With superior skin treatment devices and deeply nourishing skincare, feel confident in your skin.


MNRF is suitable for one who has signs of premature ageing, someone who wishes to stimulate the production of collagen and for one who has skin issues such as acne scarring, sagging skin, excessive sun damage, and wrinkles.

MNRF is safe for almost everybody. Nevertheless, you have to discuss with your dermatologist as well as health care provider to ascertain whether it’s good for you. The only contraindications to get MNRF include – if you currently have acne flare-ups, have an infection and are on antibiotics, or have wound healing issues. You need to be medically cleared and get the green flag from your doctor.

MNRF is suitable for all skin types and skin tones; there aren’t any age restrictions.

Any medical procedure is fraught with some degree of risk. Nonetheless, MNRF is an extremely safe procedure; it is minimally invasive and complications are absolutely rare. It is of utmost importance that you follow all the aftercare advice diligently so that no complications arise. Your dermatologist will discuss all the likely risks and complications before the treatment. Your doctor will take your detailed medical history and assess your needs, goals and expectations so as to make sure that MNRF is the best fit for you.

Topical anaesthesia is applied 15 minutes before the procedure. The treatment takes approximately 45 minutes. Post the session, a healing serum is applied, which is followed up with a protective lotion.

Based up on the area that needs to be treated, you need to be at the clinic for 1 to 2 hours; the procedure will take approximately 45 minutes.

MMRF is not painful; but there is some degree of discomfort that you will feel. However, a strong topical anaesthesia is used to take the edge off; alongside, you need to take pain killers before and after your session.

After the session, a healing serum that’s been tailored for your skin will be applied. Do remember, the skin will be red and inflamed after your procedure. It will stay red for a couple of days post the MNRF and it is very essential that you follow all the guidelines regarding the skin care during this period that have been outlined by your doctor. Do not use any makeup for 5 to 7 days after your treatment. You will be prescribed some antibiotics and skin care products that are crucial to quick recovery. You can resume work within 2 to 3 days.

Results become apparent after 2 weeks of the procedure. Healing from the micro trauma continues over a period of a couple of months and results improve over 1 year after your treatment.

Follow up MNRF depends on what your skin care goals are. Your personal preferences and your what your dermatologist deems fit come in to play whole deciding the number of MNRF sessions that you will need. To cute an example, to manage acne scars, doctors advocate repeat sessions every three months till you see beautiful results. For overall skin rejuvenation, your dermatologist will ask you to come in every 6 to 8 months. By and large, people have an MNRF as a yearly maintenance to enhance collagen synthesis and to gain long lasting benefits.

MNRF promises augmented collagen regeneration and significant improvements in the texture of your skin. It makes the skin elastic and plump, reduces fine lines and wrinkles, and effectively tackles scarring.

Dermatologists advice waiting for 4 to 6 weeks between the MNRF sessions. The number of sessions that you will need as well as the downtime depends entirely on your age and your aesthetic aims.

Yes! MNRF makes you look more youthful! The procedure obviously does not turn back the hands of time, but it does promise you a more younger looking appearance, and that’s solely because of a boost in the collagen production.

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