Guide to Laser Therapy for Hair Regrowth - New Roots

Laser Therapy for Hair Regrowth: A Comprehensive Guide

Laser Hair Regrowth: A Breakthrough in Hair Loss Treatment

If you’ve been grappling with hair loss, and have experimented with every possible over-the-counter medications, supplements and hair care products, and still see no results; why not integrate laser treatment in to your regimen?

Laser Therapy for Hair Loss - An Overview

Whilst there are scores of hair growth boosting options for you to choose from, laser therapy is definitely a powerful weapon in your armament.


Low level laser therapy uses photobiomodulation to direct energy and the flow of blood. LLLT boosts your body’s natural healing ability and sends large amounts of oxygen to the sick and damages hair cells.

The History of Laser Therapy for Hair Loss

The discovery of LLLT was completely accidental! In the 1960s, a Hungarian physicist was carrying out research to evaluate if lasers could trigger cancer. The experiment was being conducted on mice which had to be shaved for the study. Results demonstrated that laser did not cause cancer; what’s more, as a side effect, exposure to the laser beams boosted hair growth!

How Laser Therapy Promotes Hair Regrowth – Scientific Explanation

Here’s the science behind laser therapy for hair growth –


  • Laser therapy that promotes hair growth comprises of cold, low level laser beams. The treatment relies on the chemical effects of light (as against the physical effects of light, which is used for hair removal).
  • The laser beams augment the flow of blood to the dermis of the scalp and this accelerates the growth of hair tremendously. When microvascular circulation is high, there’s better cytokine and growth factor induction.
  • It helps release nitric oxide from the cells, and this helps in good distribution of oxygen and nutrients to the follicles.
  • LLLT will boost cellular metabolism and fight follicular miniaturisation; and this in turn battles hair loss and encourages hair growth.
  • LLLT sets off the intracellular pathway NF-kB which produces cellular multiplication.
  • Furthermore, LLLT brings on intracellular reactive oxygen which plays a role in the NF-kB signalling pathway and decreases cell death.
  • The LLLT also activates the mitochondrial pathway, cytochrome C oxidase, which radically boosts hair growth.
  • LLLT also perks up the production of ATP which is the source of energy for the hair cells.
  • Encourages the hair follicles which are in the telogen phase to enter the anagen phase.
  • Peps up the anagen growth phase.
  • Staves off premature catagen phase.
  • Prevents accumulation of DHT around the hair follicles.

All this has been corroborated by research, case studies and clinical trials.


LLLT proffers an accumulative and snowballing effect – every session builds on the previous one. As a result, the body responds and promotes healing on a cellular level after every treatment has finished.  

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Laser Therapy for Hair Regrowth

The laser therapy is a relatively new treatment and like any other procedure has advantages as well as disadvantages.


Here’s an all comprehensive round-up of the benefits, advantages, risks, side effects and contraindications for LLLT.

Benefits of Using Laser for Hair Regrowth

LLLT is a non invasive procedure, that does not need a surgical intervention. Thus, it there is no downtime associated with it and no recovery time is required.


  • Laser therapy improves the blood flow to the hair follicles, thus encouraging the cells to regenerate the hair follicle and enhance good hair regrowth. An increase in the flow of blood means the amount of oxygen and vital nutrients reaching the follicles is very high, thereby boosting conditions for good hair growth.
  • LLLT promises increased density and volume of hair, augmented hair regrowth, and an increase in the hair shaft diameter. 
  • Laser therapy helps deal with hair fall, hair thinning and hair loss.

Potential Risks, Contraindications and Side Effects

Before starting LLLT, keep in mind the following –


  • If you have a sensitive skin, exposure to laser beams will trigger irritation and inflammation.
  • If you’ve been diagnosed with scarring alopecia, you must talk to your doctor before trying at-home laser therapy. 
  • If you have been prescribed medications for a medical condition, you need to discuss with your doctor before starting LLLT, since, some medicines are known to cause photosensitivity.

What Kind of Lasers Are Used for Hair Regrowth?

Lasers which boost hair growth are low level laser beams. These beams project IR light which penetrates the scalp, increases blood flow to the hair follicles and activates them to grow thick, long hair. LLLT calls for a lot of patience as well as persistence; but the treatment definitely seems well worth it!

Is LLLT for You?

  • LLLT is excellent for male and female pattern hair loss, during the early phase of hair loss.
  • Laser therapy is recommended for those whose hair is not growing as it used to during their youth.
  • When other therapies, such as, Minoxidil, Finasteride, PRP, etc. have not yielded any results, you could try laser therapy.

LLLT – The Therapy

LLLT or low level laser therapy or phototherapy or photobiomodulation uses photons at non thermal irradiance to trigger biological activity.


LLLT is best done at the doctor’s office, but may be done at home as well.

At-home laser therapy

By and large LLLT is done at the doctor’s office, but there are also several portable gadgets which can be used at home. You can choose from helmets, hats, or combs that are made with medical grade laser diodes.


 These are FDA approved LLLT devices which promise excellent results! These gadgets, make the prescribed 2 to 3 sessions per week highly convenient.


When doing laser therapy at home –


  • Ensure that your hair is completely clean.
  • Select a comfortable place to sit – your sessions will take from 10 to 30 minutes, depending upon your gadget.
  • Follow instructions carefully; it would also be more prudent to discuss with your trichologist how to use the device correctly.
  • Use the LLLT 3 times a week only. Do not use daily or any two consecutive days back to back; it will be counter effective and will trigger hair fall.
  • Part the hair strands to expose the scalp so that the laser works well and it activates the hair follicles and encourages hair growth.

What to Expect During a Laser Hair Regrowth Session at the Doctor’s Clinic.

Depending upon your hair loss, your doctor will discuss the time and length of the therapy, along with the number of sessions that you will need. By and large, 2 to 3 sessions per week are recommended, with each session lasting about 15 minutes.


  • The preliminary phase of LLLT focuses on stopping hair loss. This phase lasts from 4 to 18 weeks.
  • In the second stage, your trichologist will reverse the hair miniaturization and your hair starts to grow longer, thicker and healthier. This is 18 to 126 weeks.
  • The third phase concentrates on maintaining  the hair growth.

Expectations after Laser Therapy

Noteworthy results become apparent 3 to 6 months after starting regular treatment. That’s the time required for increasing the blood flow to the hair follicles to boost healthy hair regrowth. You need to continue the laser therapy so as to maintain the beneficial results and to continue stimulating the hair follicles.


Occasionally, after about 6 months, you may hit a plateau. Talk to your doctor and follow his suggestion. An integrated approach of laser therapy along with Minoxidil and supplements will help beat the plateau.

Aftercare for Laser Therapy

The aftercare for LLLT is minimal; all you have to do is avoid these for 24 hours after the session –


  • Washing your hair
  • Direct sun exposure for a long period of time
  • Exercising

Why Choose Us?

At The New Roots Hair Clinic, we use a scientific, medical, mathematical and artistic stratagem for hair restoration. A brilliant team of doctors, state-of-the-art equipment, and top notch infrastructure promises precision and as a result, you will have the best possible outcome.


The low level laser therapy is FDA approved and has a whopping success rate of 85% to 90%.

LLLT for hair loss is a completely safe procedure. The gadgets (brush, cap or helmet) for LLLT emit low level laser beams which pose no risk to your health.

DHT is the chief cause for androgenetic and androgenic alopecia. Low Level Laser Therapy prevents an accumulation of DHT around the hair follicles and thus staves off hair loss effectively.

  • Laser therapy is effective for male and female pattern hair loss.
  • LLLT is ideal as a standalone treatment as well as to complement other therapies, such as minoxidil and/or finasteride to battle hair loss.
  • Laser therapy works beautifully well, where the hair is thinning or there’s follicle miniaturizing. Huge patches of balding needs hair transplant.

Before you buy an LLLT device, it would be prudent to discuss with your trichologist; he will guide you as to which is the best one to opt for. There are scores of laser devices in the market, however, not all of them give results.


  • You shouldn’t buy a device that does not use laser beams but uses incoherent light. It is a cheaper option and will not help with hair growth.
  • Also, avoid gadgets that have lesser laser points of emission; such devices will not cover your whole scalp uniformly.
  • Devices wherein the laser energy has not been properly calibrated for the delivery of energy will not promote hair growth at all.

Thus, you absolutely must talk to your doctor before buying the LLLT device in order to understand what is the best fit for you.

It is not only safe to use LLLT alongside Minoxidil, in fact, using the two together will dramatically enhance your hair growth.

LLLT is safe when conducted by a trichologist. It is far more prudent to get the treatment done at the doctor’s office. If you are doing LLLT at home, make sure you discuss it with your doctor.

Laser therapy is not advised in the following cases –


  • Discuss with your doctor if you have a pacemaker.
  • Do not do the therapy if you have fever.
  • It is contraindicated if you have a scalp infection.
  • Pregnancy
  • Tumors

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